RR 295 The European Ruby Community with Devon C Estes
On today’s episode, Charles Max Wood, Brian Hogan, and Jason Swett discuss The European Ruby Community with Devon C Estes. Devon is a Ruby and RAILS developer for Education Superhighway, a nonprofit in San Francisco which helps every public school classroom in America to upgrade their Internet access. He also does a lot of Elixir and open source stuff. Tune in as he shares more about the Ruby communities outside the US.
Hosted by:
Charles Max Wood

Special Guests:
Devon Estes

Show Notes
On today’s episode, Charles Max Wood, Brian Hogan, and Jason Swett discuss The European Ruby Community with Devon C Estes. Devon is a Ruby and RAILS developer for Education Superhighway, a nonprofit in San Francisco which helps every public school classroom in America to upgrade their Internet access. He also does a lot of Elixir and open source stuff. Tune in as he shares more about the Ruby communities outside the US.
Special Guest: Devon Estes.

RR 295 The European Ruby Community with Devon C Estes
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