Polished Ruby Programming ft. Jeremy Evans - RUBY 518
Jeremy Evans joins the Rogues to discuss the way he builds Ruby programs and the practices he put into his latest book "Polished Ruby Programming." The Rogues dive into Jeremy's opinions. They push back on some, applaud others, and ask deeper questions about the rest. Join this deep dive by experienced developers into the how and why of organizing Ruby in deeply practiced ways.
Hosted by:
Charles Max Wood
Darren Broemmer
Dave Kimura
Valentino Stoll
Luke Stutters
John Epperson

Special Guests:
Jeremy Evans

Show Notes
Jeremy Evans joins the Rogues to discuss the way he builds Ruby programs and the practices he put into his latest book "Polished Ruby Programming."
The Rogues dive into Jeremy's opinions. They push back on some, applaud others, and ask deeper questions about the rest. Join this deep dive by experienced developers into the how and why of organizing Ruby in deeply practiced ways.
Polished Ruby Programming giveaway: https://forms.gle/VURNitd9LCwMG9Sz9
- Charles Max Wood
- Darren Broemmer
- Dave Kimura
- John Epperson
- Luke Stutters
- Valentino Stoll
- Jeremy Evans
- Charles- PodcastBootcamp.io
- Charles- How to Make Sh*t Happen
- Charles- The Road Back to You
- Darren- Scrivener
- Darren- GitHub | dbroemme/ruby-wads
- Dave- OctoPrint
- Dave- Shuffle
- Jeremy- Vultr: An OpenBSD-friendly cloud server provider
- Jeremy- SendGrid: Send 100 emails/day for free
- Jeremy- Running My Own Email Server
- John- GitHub | kschiess/parslet
- John- GOgroove BassPULSE 2.1 Computer Speakers
- Luke- code.jeremyevans.net - Presentations
- Luke- Polished Ruby Programming Book Review
- Luke- GitHub | jeremyevans/ruby-refrigerator
- Valentino- Ruby Kaigi Takeout 2021
Contact Darren:
Contact Dave:
Contact Charles:
Contact John:
Contact Luke:
Contact Valentino:
- Doximity Technology Blog
- Work @ Doximity
- GitHub: Valentino Stoll ( codenamev )
- Twitter: V ( @thecodenamev )
Special Guest: Jeremy Evans.
Sponsored By:
- Top End Devs Coaching: If you have questions about how to grow your skills or take your career to the next level, join us on our next weekly coaching call. It's completely free.
- Podcast Bootcamp: Launch an Amazing Sounding Podcast in just 4 WEEKS! Work with a 13 year podcasting veteran to get your podcast started off on the right foot!

Polished Ruby Programming ft. Jeremy Evans - RUBY 518
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