Can Active Storage Serve Images for the Modern Web? by Mark Hutter - RUBY 501
Dave Kimura and Luke Stutters talk with Mark Hutter about Active Storage and his experience building a large image driven application. We talk about some of the issues and workarounds when implementing Active Storage.
Special Guests:
Mark Hutter

Show Notes
Dave Kimura and Luke Stutters talk with Mark Hutter about Active Storage and his experience building a large image driven application. We talk about some of the issues and workarounds when implementing Active Storage.
- Dave Kimura
- Luke Stutters
- Mark Hutter
- The Speedshop Ruby on Rails Performance Blog
- Active storage add proxying - GitHub
- Ruby on Rails Screencasts
- GitHub | rubyjs/mini_racer
- Mark Hutter | Lead Engineer
- GitHub: Mark Hutter ( mrkhutter )
- Twitter: Mark Hutter ( @mrkhutter )
- Dave- Sigma 16mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary Lens for Sony E
- Dave- NexDock
- Dave- Episode #256 CDN on Active Storage Uploads
- Luke- StutsBlog - Technical Blog
- Luke- GitHub | rails/execjs
- Mark- MH40 Wireless Over-Ear Headphones
- Mark- solnic.codes
Contact Dave:
Special Guest: Mark Hutter.

Can Active Storage Serve Images for the Modern Web? by Mark Hutter - RUBY 501
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