271 RR Problems New Developers Don’t Realize They Have and Hidden Tradeoffs to Coding Decisions Developers Have to Make with Justin Weiss
Special Guests:
Justin Weiss

Show Notes
01:14 - Justin Weiss Introduction
02:15 - “Learning Rails Without Getting Overwhelmed”?
02:34 - Problems New Developers Don’t Realize They Have
04:35 - Learning New Things
08:05 - What is a success?
09:02 - What can senior devs do? What shouldn’t they do?
- Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman David H. Hoover and Adewale Oshineye
- Pragmatic Thinking and Learning by Andy Hunt
- Brandon Hays: The Conjoined Triangles of Senior-Level Development
15:43 - Are there still “Architects”?
20:45 - The Existential Crisis of Software Development
22:26 - The Responsibility of the Students
26:08 - How can new developers obtain objective evidence of their blind spots?
- Bias Blind Spot
- The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization by Peter M. Senge
- Asch Experiment
33:49 - Early Career Developers Working Together
37:03 - Learning Practices
- emoj (Coraline)
- Teaching Robots to Feel: Emoji & Deep Learning (Coraline)
- The Lies of Locke Lamora (Sam)
- Gorilla Tape (Sam)
- Portillo's (Chuck)
- iPad Pro (Chuck)
- Apple Smart Keyboard (Chuck)
- Apple Pencil (Chuck)
- GoodNotes (Chuck)
- Podcast Movement (Chuck)
- The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development by Donald G. Reinertsen (Justin)
- How to Write in Plain English (Justin)
- Avvo (Justin)
Special Guest: Justin Weiss.

271 RR Problems New Developers Don’t Realize They Have and Hidden Tradeoffs to Coding Decisions Developers Have to Make with Justin Weiss
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