Show Notes

02:01 - Lauren Voswinkel Introduction
06:11 - #talkpay
10:22 - Fair Trade of Value; Companies and Salaries
19:37 - Salary Maximization and Negotiations
22:40 - Executive Salaries
25:58 - Hashtag Effectiveness
29:05 - Implications of Salary Reveals
32:08 - The Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 (Cont’d)
Salary Sharing Between Employees
35:41 - Sharing Salary Information Publicly and Impostor Syndrome
37:38 - Job Elimination
42:40 - Is/has #talkpay been successful?
More Information
Special Guest: Lauren Voswinkel.
Album Art
270 RR #talkpay with Lauren Voswinkel
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