
Podcast 01

New Features in Storybook with Shaun Evening - RRU 207

Dec 22, 2022 · Episode 207
Chromatic developer experience engineer Shaun Evening joins the React Round Up hosts to talk about all the new features rolling out with the release of Storybook 7. Have you ever wanted to combine your Storybook integration with Material UI, Ant Design, or any other component library? Well, Storybook's making it easier than ever, and that's just the beginning. A new offering called Integrations allows users to add all sorts of plugins to their Storybook workflows for even more functionality, and has "recipes" to help you get the most out of your Storybook. Follow Shaun on Twitter for all the latest and greatest happening at Chromatic: https://twitter.com/Integrayshaun
Podcast 01

New React features, MDX and Docusaurus with Sebastien Lorber - RRU 206

Dec 14, 2022 · Episode 206
Sebastien Lorber, Docusaurus maintainer at Meta and This Week in React newsletter creator, joins the React Round Up panel to discuss the latest and greatest in React 18, including lesser-known hooks and features that are making the framework more useful and performant than ever before. He also deep dives into why Docusaurus (maintained by Meta/Facebook) has become such a popular static site generator for companies and dev teams in all industries to document their products, APIs, software, and more. Learn more about the most exciting new developments in the React ecosystem by listening now and stay up to date with new developments by signing up for Sebastien's free This Week in React newsletter.
Podcast 01

Finding Hidden Gems in Your React Upgrades - RRU 205

Dec 07, 2022 · Episode 205
The React Round Up panel joins the show as Jack takes the lead to talk about the various improvements made in the React Ecosystem. Additionally, they offer their thoughts and insights on these updates and share their potential value to the developers. They also talk about whether these features have an impact when used in apps.
Podcast 01

How To Recession Proof Your Job - BONUS

Nov 24, 2022 · Episode BONUS
Are you looking at all the layoffs and uncertainty going on and wondering if your company is the next to cut back? Or, maybe you're a freelancer or entrepreneur who is trying to figure out how to deliver more value to gain or retain customers? Mani Vaya joins Charles Max Wood to discuss the one thing that both of them use to more than double their productivity on a daily basis. Mani has read 1,000's of productivity books over the last several years and has formulated a methodology for getting more done, but found that he lacked the discipline to follow through on his plans. The he found the one thing that kept him on track and made him so productive that he is now getting all of his work done and was able to live the life he wants. Chuck also weighs in on how Mani's technique has worked for him and allows him to spend more time with his wife and kids, run a podcast network, and a nearly full time contract. Join the episode to learn how Chuck and Mani get into a regular flow state with their work and consistently deliver at work.
Podcast 01

All Things Voice Recognition and JavaScript with Ian Lavery - RRU 204

Nov 16, 2022 · Episode 204
Returning guest, Ian Lavery from Picovice.ai, joins the hosts to talk all things voice recognition. He dives into new languages the company has tackled over the last year (and what languages it plans to tackle next year), how they train their models, and how Picovoice is actually running speech recognition in the browser instead of in the cloud, making things like captioning live streams and real-time chats possible with some of its newer tech Cheetah and Leopard.
Podcast 01

Migrating From A Monolithic Ruby App To React With Nirmalya Ghosh - RRU 203

Nov 09, 2022 · Episode 203
Nirmalya Ghosh joins the React Round Up panelists in this episode to talk about how he migrated a monolithic Ruby on Rails application to React. What was estimated to take 3 -6 months ended up taking about 2 years, and Nirmalya shares all the hard-won lessons he learned along the way for any listeners who might be preparing to make a similar upgrade. Additionally, he talks about the company he currently works for and how they're trying to become the one-stop shop for anyone looking for a good API online. Lots of interesting tidbits are packed into this episode!
Podcast 01

Migrating to React Query from Redux with Pierre Hedkvist - 202

Nov 02, 2022 · Episode 202
Software engineer Pierre Hedkvist joins the React Round Up panelists to share some spicy (controversial) coding decisions he's made and then written about. The first hot topic is using React state to store filter setting in query parameters with the help of a custom Hook, and the second is migrating an app to rely more heavily on React Query instead of Redux.
Podcast 01

Supabase and Supabase Studio with Vijit Ail - RRU 201

Oct 26, 2022 · Episode 201
Return guest Vijit Ail joins the cast of React Round Up to talk all things Supabase. If you've ever used Firebase and wished it was open source, this is the episode for you. Vijit espouses all the cool things Supabase offers like schema definitions, edge functions, data streaming, and more. There's so much good info chocked into this episode, listen to learn how to get started with Supabase today.
Podcast 01

Our 200th Episode Look Back - RRU 200

Oct 19, 2022 · Episode 200
In our 200th episode of React Round Up, the panelists take a look back at how their first appearances on RRU and how they came to be on the show. In addition to advice on how they got to where they are now, they also highlight some of their favorite guests who've graced RRU with all sorts of great React knowledge over the years and offer advice on how you can get started on your own tech podcast or (hopefully) be invited to join an existing one.
Podcast 01

Cypress.io: One Testing Framework to Rule Them All with Gleb Bahmutov - RRU 199

Sep 28, 2022 · Episode 199
Gleb Bahmutov, who worked with the Cypress.io team for 4 years, joins the panelists to talk all things testing. You may be familiar with Cypress as a popular JavaScript end-to-end testing framework, but did you know it recently began offering component testing as well? This may be just the incentive you need to ditch Jest and Testing Library for unit/integration tests and go all in on Cypress for all your testing needs. Listen up and let us know if you're convinced.
Podcast 01

All Astro with Fred Schott - RRU 198

Sep 21, 2022 · Episode 198
Today we talk with Fred Schott , the co-creator of Astro, a web framework focused on improving performance. Built around island architecture, it leverages HTML over javascript where it’s an option. Astro is a great option for those who focus on content, marketing, or personal blogs, and it is a great option to use with React. In this episode we talk about when it makes sense to use Astro, and how to implement it.
Podcast 01

The Controversies Panelist Episode - RRU 197

Sep 14, 2022 · Episode 197
In today's all panelist episode we address web development controversies: state management tools, CSS in JS, GraphQL or REST, and, of course, tabs versus spaces. And the rule is: there's no saying "It depends." Listen to the panelists take hard line stances on things that matter (and things that don't), and try to defend their choices. It's a fun episode for everyone, and we'd love to hear about your own controversial coding decisions.
Podcast 01

Gherkin with Chris Frewin from InClub - RRU 196

Sep 07, 2022 · Episode 196
Today we talk with Chris Frewin, a full-stack software engineer at private experience startup InClub, located in Zurich, Switzerland. Involved with all coding aspects, from the back-end, mobile app, CMS, and everything in-between, we learn about the challenges of being a solo developer at a startup. We learn a lot about Gherkin, the format for cucumber specifications.
Podcast 01

Ancillary Skills Associated with Web Development - RRU 195

Aug 31, 2022 · Episode 195
In today’s all-panelist episode, we discuss many ancillary skills that you might be tempted to avoid learning but are very beneficial to know. Included in the conversation are CSS, DNS & HTTP, caching, API styles, knowing how to interact with back ends and databases, and command line.
Podcast 01

Next.js, Remix and Xata with Atila Fassina - RRU 194

Aug 24, 2022 · Episode 194
In today’s episode we talk with Atila Fassina, a developer experience engineer working at Xata. As a fan of both, Atila compares Next.js and Remix, comparing their similarities and differences.
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Latest Episode: React Component Tests for Humans with Miroslav Nikolov - RRU 282
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