
Podcast 01

RRU 119: Building Web and Mobile Apps with Ely Lucas

Sep 22, 2020 · Episode 119
Ionic’s own Ely Lucas joins the React Round Up panel to discuss building the Ionic framework to work with React under the hood. Ely talks through how the team’s been hard at work making Ionic easy to pick up for any JavaScript developer with experience in React, as well as some of the benefits it can provide over straight React or React Native. Some of the biggest benefits are having just one shared codebase to power iOS, Android, Electron and PWAs, access to React Hooks and over 100 ready-to-use, easy to customize UI components on install. If you’ve heard about Ionic but want to learn more about it, and it’s newest offering Ionic React, this is the episode for you.
Podcast 01

RRU 118: Creating Live Trippy Visuals with WebGL and Web Audio with Alex Kempton

Sep 15, 2020 · Episode 118
In this episode of React Round Up, Alex Kempton joins us to talk about Hedron, a tool he built for enhancing live audio shows with cool visuals. We chat about MIDI, WebGL and web audio, and how Alex wrapped those all up into an app he uses for live performances.
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RRU 117: Making Frontend Developers Fullstack with Prisma with Nikolas Burk

Sep 08, 2020 · Episode 117
In this special episode of React Round Up, guest Nikolas Burk delves into the Prisma database and why it’s worth checking out.
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RRU 116: Building a Meet.up Competitor and Teaching React with Chris Achard

Sep 01, 2020 · Episode 116
When meetup.com announced last year that it wanted to charge users $2 for using the platform, a number of users expressed their strong opposition to the proposal. Developer Chris Achard was one of them and he built meetingplace.io in response to users who were looking for alternatives. In today’s episode, Chris, who is also an egghead.io instructor, explains how he built an MVP in a week using Ruby, React and other technologies. He also shares his tips on how to find consulting jobs and teach others online.
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RRU 115: Frontend Application Bundles with Glen Maddern

Aug 25, 2020 · Episode 115
In this episode of React Round Up, Glen Maddern joins us to talk about a new tool he’s been working on called Frontend Application Bundles, or FABs. We chat about how FABs allow you to write server-side logic in a vendor-agnostic way, as well as some of the other interesting problems FABs solve.
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RRU 114: Decentralized React: ThreadsDB, IPFS, Filecoin with Carson Farmer

Aug 04, 2020 · Episode 114
In this episode of React Round Up, Carson Farmer joins us to talk about the decentralized web. We discuss what the decentralized web actually is, and some interesting new way the web could work.
Podcast 01

RRU 113: Typed Functional Programming in TypeScript with fp-ts with Robin Pokorny

Jul 21, 2020 · Episode 113
Functional programming can be tricky to start with, especially in TypeScript aps. In today’s show, Robin Pokorny shares tips on how to start with functional programming, and how you can integrate functional programming into the apps you’re building today. He also shares tips on libraries to help make functional programming with TypeScript easier, including fp-ts.
Podcast 01

RRU 112: From Pulling Teeth to Pull Requests with Meghna Srivastava

Jul 07, 2020 · Episode 112
Dr. Meghna Srivastava joins React Round Up to share how she transitioned from a dentist in her native country of India to a software developer today in Berlin, Germany. Although she practiced for a few years after graduating dental school, Meghna wasn't completely satisfied with her career choice, and things at work began to feel stale to her. At the same time, she saw the flexibility her partner enjoyed as a backend developer, and began dabbling in Python to see if coding might be something she was interested in pursuing as well. Fast forward a year, and Meghna found herself in Germany due to her partner's job, and unemployed, giving her the time she needed to really focus on learning to code, and she discovered she enjoyed JavaScript's browser-focused interactions more than backend languages. Then she progressed on to the React framework as she began to build up her portfolio.
Podcast 01

RRU 111: React Tools, Codebase Management, and More with Brice Ayres

Jun 23, 2020 · Episode 111
Brice Ayres is a Youtube video author talking about programming and React. This is a wide ranging conversation across the spectrum of React tools, libraries like react-bootstrap, and the state of styling and state management in React.
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RRU 110: Game Development in React & Typescript with Maksim Ivanov

Jun 09, 2020 · Episode 110
Front end developer Maksim Ivanov talks about working for Mojang, the company behind the ridiculously popular game Minecraft. As it turns out, Maksim uses React to build different pieces of the game, and runs the code through a custom renderer to make it work in the game world. In addition to his day job, he also found time to write a book about TypeScript after realizing how much easier getting familiar with new code bases could be if TypeScript was used instead of JavaScript. The panel has used TypeScript to varying degrees themselves, but nobody's gone all in, and they talk about the pros and cons of it, including the initial learning curve and how it can help prevent bugs in the code. Maksim's book covers many aspects of TypeScript in great detail, and it sounds like a good read for anyone just picking up the language.
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RRU 109: SVGS in React with Elizabet Oliviera

May 26, 2020 · Episode 109
If you’ve tried using SVGs in your application, chances are you’ve found it tricky or difficult. In today’s show, Elizabet Oliviera shares some tips on how you can begin using SVGs to create scalable illustrations and animations. She also shares her experiences of building a library of SVG animations
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RRU 108: Web Workers & Multi-threaded JavaScript with Majid Hajian

May 12, 2020 · Episode 108
Despite JavaScript being a single-threaded language, you can now leverage multi-threaded computing thanks to modern browser features such as web workers, workouts and service workers. In this show, Majid explains how these features work and what problems they solve. We also discuss the strategies you can use to introduce them to production codebases and give your users a much more enjoyable experience on your web app.
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RRU 107: Remote Work with Vladimir Novick

Apr 28, 2020 · Episode 107
Vladimir Novick is a work from home veteran. He talks through the situation with COVID-19, having kids at home, and working from home. The rest of the panel chimes in and discusses their experience—some short and some long—working from home.
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RRU 106: React Socks for Easy Responsive Design with Paige Niedringhaus

Apr 14, 2020 · Episode 106
Paige Niedringhaus talks about the ever increasing need for developers and designers to be thinking about responsive web design as they build apps in today's world; a quick recap of a conference talk she gave at Connect.Tech, called 'Responsive Design featuring ReactJS'. Then, she talks about two possible solutions for making responsive web apps: CSS media queries and a new, React-specific NPM package called React Socks. Both options have their benefits and drawbacks (and can be used together too!), but getting started with either is relatively simple. Considering how many different ways users could be accessing our websites today and how important a good user experience is regardless of device size, responsive design is definitely worth investigating and incorporating into you own development going forward.
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RRU 105: ReasonML and the Reason Association with Patrick Stapfer

Mar 31, 2020 · Episode 105
Patrick Stapfer from the Reason Association joins Charles Max Wood to talk about ReasonML, functional programming, and how it fits into the React ecosystem. ReasonML is a language built and maintained by Facebook and transpiled to JavaScript using the BuckleScript project. Patrick explains when to use Reason, how to get started, and the basics of using Reason.
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Latest Episode: Building Component Libraries with Kathryn Grayson Nanz - RRU 276
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