RRU 139: Creating Gatsby Source Plugins with Dillion Megida

In today’s episode of React Round Up, Nigerian-based developer Dillion Megida explains how you can create source plugins for Gatsby, the static site generation tool. Gatsby can be used to create landing pages, blogs and e-commerce sites, among other things, and it contains a vast plugin ecosystem that helps developers avoid reinventing the wheel when creating their applications.

Special Guests: Dillion Megida

Show Notes

In today’s episode of React Round Up, Nigerian-based developer Dillion Megida explains how you can create source plugins for Gatsby, the static site generation tool. Gatsby can be used to create landing pages, blogs and e-commerce sites, among other things, and it contains a vast plugin ecosystem that helps developers avoid reinventing the wheel when creating their applications. Dillion also shares his experience blogging for websites such as LogRocket, FreeCodecamp and Dev.to and talks us through his workflow and how he comes up with new article ideas.
  • Carl Mungazi
  • Paige Niedringhaus
  • TJ Vantoll
  • Dillion Megida
Special Guest: Dillion Megida.
Album Art
RRU 139: Creating Gatsby Source Plugins with Dillion Megida
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