RRU 105: ReasonML and the Reason Association with Patrick Stapfer
Patrick Stapfer from the Reason Association joins Charles Max Wood to talk about ReasonML, functional programming, and how it fits into the React ecosystem. ReasonML is a language built and maintained by Facebook and transpiled to JavaScript using the BuckleScript project. Patrick explains when to use Reason, how to get started, and the basics of using Reason.
Hosted by:
Charles Max Wood

Special Guests:
Patrick Stapfer

Show Notes
Patrick Stapfer from the Reason Association joins Charles Max Wood to talk about ReasonML, functional programming, and how it fits into the React ecosystem. ReasonML is a language built and maintained by Facebook and transpiled to JavaScript using the BuckleScript project. Patrick explains when to use Reason, how to get started, and the basics of using Reason.
- Charles Max Wood
- Patrick Stapfer
"The MaxCoders Guide to Finding Your Dream Developer Job" by Charles Max Wood is now available on Amazon. Get Your Copy Today!
- https://reasonml.org
- ReasonML Playground
- GitHub - davidkpiano/xstate: State machines and statecharts for the modern web.
- Flow: A Static Type Checker for JavaScript
Patrick Stapfer:
- Follow Patrick on Twitter > @ryyppy
- Mindset: The New Psychology of Success: Dweck, Carol S.: 9780345472328: Amazon.com: Books
Charles Max Wood:
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Devchat.tv Remote meetups
- Devchat.tv Conferences
- JavaScript Remote Conf 2020
Follow React Round Up on Twitter > @reactroundup
Special Guest: Patrick Stapfer.

RRU 105: ReasonML and the Reason Association with Patrick Stapfer
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