Leveraging Native Features in React Native featuring Youssouf EL Azizi - RRU 148
Youssouf EL Azizi joins the round up to talk about the best React Native libraries that allow you to leverage the native features of the platforms you run on.
Special Guests:
Youssouf EL Azizi

Show Notes
Youssouf EL Azizi joins the round up to talk about the best React Native libraries that allow you to leverage the native features of the platforms you run on.
Sometimes it's hard to know how to get native features into your mobile app. Whether they're not well maintained or don't cover the widest breadth of use cases, it's hard to know sometimes which ones to use. Youssouf breaks it all down for you.
- Carl Mungazi
- Paige Niedringhaus
- TJ VanToll
- Youssouf EL Azizi
- The best React Native libraries for leveraging native features
- Work | Obytes
- GitHub | obytes/react-native-template-obytes
- How to learn TypeScript for react developers
- No BS TS #1 - Typescript Setup & Everyday Types - YouTube
- Youssouf EL Azizi
- Twitter: Youssouf El Azizi ( @ElaziziYoussouf )
- Carl- Building Mobile Apps at Scale
- Carl- WODE MAYA - YoutTube
- Jack- React GUI
- Paige- Tea brewing baskets
- TJ- GitHub Copilot
- Youssouf- Cal NewPort
Contact Carl:
Contact Jack:
Contact Paige:
- The Home Depot
- Paige Niedringhaus
- Paige Niedringhaus – Medium
- Twitter: Paige Niedringhaus ( @pniedri )
- GitHub: Paige Niedringhaus ( paigen11 )
Contact TJ:
Special Guest: Youssouf EL Azizi .

Leveraging Native Features in React Native featuring Youssouf EL Azizi - RRU 148
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