How to Structure Your React Projects - RRU 141
Akash Joshi Is a frequent blogger across many of the larger blogs across the internet. He joins the Round Up to share his opinions on how you should put your React applications together as well as some tips on where you shouldn't put files and where you should avoid putting specific types of files.
Special Guests:
Akash Joshi

Show Notes
Akash Joshi Is a frequent blogger across many of the larger blogs across the internet.
He joins the Round Up to share his opinions on how you should put your React applications together as well as some tips on where you shouldn't put files and where you should avoid putting specific types of files.
Some of this is inspired by projects like Next.js and others by his own experience. Paige and TJ chime in with their experience to help provide more context to the conversation.
- Paige Niedringhaus
- TJ VanToll
- Akash Joshi
- Learn Structuring React Projects with a Dogs App [⚛ + 🐶]
- A Better Way to Structure React Projects
- Improving my OSS library and taking steps towards improving my YT quality
- Akash Joshi
- The Writing Dev
- Akash Joshi - thewritingdev - YouTube
- Twitter: Akash ( @thewritingdev )
- Akash- Lapel Microphone
- Paige- Harney & Sons Earl Grey Loose Leaf Tea
- TJ- Kombucha Tea
Contact Paige:
- The Home Depot
- Paige Niedringhaus
- Paige Niedringhaus - Medium
- Twitter: Paige Niedringhaus ( @pniedri )
- GitHub: Paige Niedringhaus ( paigen11 )
Contact TJ:
Special Guest: Akash Josh.

How to Structure Your React Projects - RRU 141
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