
Podcast 01

MRS 058: Aaron Sumner

Aug 29, 2018 · Episode 058
This week on My Ruby Story, Charles talks to Aaron Sumner. Aaron is a senior software engineer at O’Reilly Media as well as runs the blog Everyday Rails and wrote a book entitled Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec. He first got into programming when his school got a computer and he took a computer class at a local community college that he took in order to learn how to write games. They talk about how he got into Ruby, what he is proud of contributing to the community, why he decided to write his book, and more!
Podcast 01

MRS 057: Justin Collins

Aug 22, 2018 · Episode 057
This week on My Ruby Story, Charles talks to Justin Collins. Justin is most well known in the Ruby community for Brakeman and he was previously on Ruby Rogues Episode 219. Justin first got into programming when he was about 11 or 12 when his uncle handed down to him his TRS-80 Model 100 computer. They talk about his experience with event-driven programming, how he got into Ruby, what it was about Ruby that really got him excited, how Brakeman came to be, and more!
Podcast 01

MRS 056: Sean Fioritto

Aug 15, 2018 · Episode 056
This week on My Ruby Story, Charles talks to Sean Fioritto. Sean is a developer that five years ago quit his job to do his own thing and work on different projects such as Sketching with CSS, Angular Escape Plan training, and consulting. He first got into programming when he had an idea to create things such as rooms and spells in his MOO game. They talk about how he got into professional style programming, how he got into drawing with CSS, why he created the Angular Escape Plan, and more!
Podcast 01

MRS 055: Nadia Odunayo

Aug 08, 2018 · Episode 055
This week on My Ruby Story, Charles talks to Nadia Odunayo. Nadia was previously on Ruby Rogues Episode 264 and she used to have her own podcast called Ruby Book Club. She first got into programming because when she was in college she launched a creative writing publication and she was frustrated that she had to keep asking others for help. This was when she started researching coding and how it all worked so that she could put her ideas into action. They talk about Ruby being the first programming language she learned, the importance of learning both the frontend and the backend, her desire to run her own thing, her need to find a company that would support her learning, and more!
Podcast 01

MRS 054: Mark Locklear

Aug 01, 2018 · Episode 054
This week on My Ruby Story, Charles talks to Mark Locklear. Mark first got into programming when there wasn’t a lot of opportunities for him to continue to work in quality assurance and he decided he wanted a change of career, so he went to community college to learn programming. They talk about how he was first exposed to Rails, where he is working currently, and what was it about Rails that got him excited. They also touch on what made him want to move from quality assurance, how he mentors his students at the community college, and more!
Podcast 01

MRS 053: Jerome Hardaway

Jul 25, 2018 · Episode 053
This week on My Ruby Story, Charles speaks with Jerome Hardaway. Jerome used to be a panelist on Ruby Rogues and loved the ability to share his knowledge and interact with so many people from the community. He first got into programming by accident when he couldn’t find a job after becoming a veteran. He saw a commercial about job opportunities in coding, ended up finding a book on SQL and taught himself how to program. They talk about where he ran across Ruby on Rails, what he has worked on that he is particularly proud of, what he is doing currently, and more!
Podcast 01

MRS 052: Takashi Kokubun

Jul 11, 2018 · Episode 052
This week on My Ruby Story, Charles talks to Takashi Kokubun. Takashi is a template engine hobbyist, is currently working on the JIT Compiler for Ruby 2.6, and is a Ruby on Rails application engineer at Treasure Data. He first got into programming in his first year at university where he learned C in his first part-time job. They talk about why he decided to work with Ruby, the first thing he built with it, and how you would write a templating system. They also touch on what he is working on now, what his plans are for the future, and more!
Podcast 01

MRS 051: Andy Hunt

Jul 04, 2018 · Episode 051
This week on My Ruby Story, Charles talks to Andy Hunt. Andy has previously been on Ruby Rogues for Episode 277, and is known for his book The Pragmatic Programmer, his company The Pragmatic Bookshelf, and much more. He first got into programming because of his interest in electronic music and his first RadioShack project he created, which led him to finding a book on the future of integrated circuits. They talk about how he found Ruby, why he wrote Programming Ruby, what he is working on now, and more!
Podcast 01

MRS 050: Jacob Stoebel

Jun 27, 2018 · Episode 050
This week on My Ruby Story, Charles talks to Jacob Stoebel. Jacob is a Ruby and JavaScript developer and he works for a small company that works with publishers. Jacob first got into programming in high school when he took a computer science class where he messed around with Pascal and C++. He got back into programming after college when he went back to school for programming to try to make his data entry job easier. They talk about his journey pushing the boundaries with technology, how he went about starting his programming career, and more!
Podcast 01

MRS 049: Amit Choudhary

Jun 20, 2018 · Episode 049
This week on My Ruby Story, Charles talks to Amit Choudhary. Amit was previously on Ruby Rogues in January 2018 on episode 345 discussing app failures. Amit is a software developer at Big Binary, where he is a full-stack Ruby developer. He first got into programming when he learned C for a computer engineering course. They talk about how he got into Ruby, what he has done with Ruby, what the Ruby community is like in India, and what he is working on now.
Podcast 01

MRS 048: James Shore

Jun 13, 2018 · Episode 048
This week on My Ruby Story, Charles talks to James Shore about his background, how he got into programming, pitfalls that happened along the way, and his Agile story. James Shore is a thought leader in the Agile software development community. He was an early adopter of Agile development and he continues to lead, teach, write, and consult on Agile development processes.
Podcast 01

MRS 047: David Hemmat

Jun 06, 2018 · Episode 047
This week on My Ruby Story, Charles talks to David Hemmat about his educational background, career choices, and suggestions for developers. David is a web developer who works mainly with Ruby on Rails. In the past few years, David has done work for a number of clients including Condé Nast, Six Red Marbles, ShopKeep, and Couplewise. Currently, David is working on a number of personal and professional development projects.
Podcast 01

MRS 046: Benjamin Wood

May 30, 2018 · Episode 046
This week on My Ruby Story, Charles talks to Benjamin Wood. Ben and his brother Josh own a consultancy company together called Hint, where they specialize in upgrading Rails apps and run UpgradeRails.com. He first got into programming because he was interested in computer hardware and built a computer out of spare parts for fun as a child. They talk about what led him to Ruby and Rails, what he has learned in throughout his life, especially with running a business, and much more!
Podcast 01

MRS 045: Catherine Meyers

May 23, 2018 · Episode 045
This week on My Ruby Story, Charles talks to Catherine Meyers. Catherine first got into programming after a significant career change from being an opera singer to being a developer. Friends of hers suggested that she begin a programming career and she hasn’t looked back since. They talk about boot camps, such as Flatiron School, the importance of life-long learning, how she got into Ruby, and why she loves the language so much.
Podcast 01

MRS 044: Sam Aaron

May 16, 2018 · Episode 044
This week on My Ruby Story, Charles talks to Sam Aaron. Sam is a programmer who likes to try to get other programmers involved and programming in creative ways. Currently, he has been making music with programming with Sonic Pi and teaching children how to do so as well. He first really got into programming when he picked up a graphing calculator when he was in school and would program games and pictures on it. They talk about what led him to Ruby and what led him to create Sonic Pi.
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