MRS 022: Allison McMillan

In this episode we learn more about Allison’s journey as a startup founder, to make a career change to a developer, all while and making a name in the dev community and gaining a dev job. Allison talks about her involvement and contributions to the Ruby community.

Special Guests: Allison McMillan

Show Notes

This week on My Ruby Story, Charles speaks with Allison McMillan. Allison is a software developer at Collective Idea, a software consulting company that solves real-world software problems. Allison is very excited about working on a number of projects and learning new things in the development world. Allison was a recent guest on Ruby Rogues and will be a speaker at Ruby Dev Summit coming up on October 16-21, 2017.
In this episode we learn more about Allison’s journey as a startup founder, to make a career change to a developer, all while and making a name in the dev community and gaining a dev job. Allison talks about her involvement and contributions to the Ruby community.
In particular, we dive pretty deep on:
  • Allison got into programming working as a non-profit executive and dealing with change in the organization.
  • Getting in involve  in the DC Tech Community 
  • Joining the Rails Girls Workshop
  • Got her first job by attending the Ruby Conf. at the Scholar Guide Program
  • Working Remotely as a junior developer
  • Doing light talks at Ruby Conf. to gain authority
  • Allison mentions doing conference speaking and organizing as apart of contributing to the Ruby community
  • Allison’s favorite thing to speak about at conferences involves writing interactive workshops.
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MRS 022: Allison McMillan
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