MAS 109: Philippe De Ryck

Philippe De Ryck is a web security expert out of Belgium. Philippe trains developers on building secure apps. Philippe started coding in high school and worked on system administration projects. He then went onto get a PhD in security. Along with security he also worked on development so when he is working with clients he can go through the code and point out security problems.

Special Guests: Philippe De Ryck

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Philippe De Ryck is a web security expert out of Belgium. Philippe trains developers on building secure apps.
Philippe started coding in high school and worked on system administration projects. He then went onto get a PhD in security. Along with security he also worked on development so when he is working with clients he can go through the code and point out security problems.
Philippe also gives some tips to those who want to get started on security consulting. Philippe says its a mindset and a person just needs to dive in and start reading books and blogs about it to develop the approach.
Host: Charles Max Wood
Joined By Special Guest: Philippe De Ryck
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MAS 109: Philippe De Ryck
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