iPS 258: Learning Objective-C as a Swift Developer with Abbey Jackson
In this episode of iPhreaks, panel hosts Abbey Jackson, a senior software engineer at Mastercard fraud detection from Vancouver, Canada. Abbey was a part time nanny before she became a developer. Her journey as a developer started when she decided to attend an 8-week Swift boot camp. Within 3 years of the boot camp she started working at Mastercard as a senior developer. Although Abbey currently develops using Objective-C, she started developing in Swift. She talks about the different concepts she struggled with as a Swift developer, such as the difference between nil, NULL and NSNull in Objective–C. They talk about the tools and books available to developers who want to learn Objective–C. Abbey has used the Slack Objective–C channel extensively to ask for advice on coding practices.

Show Notes
- Andrew Madsen
- Jaim Zuber
- Erica Sadun
- Dave Delong