iPS 237: GraphQL with Derrick Hathaway

In today's episode, the iPheaks panel, Erica, and Andrew speak with Derrick Hathaway about GraphQL. Derick is a mobile app developer and works at LifeOMic. Derrick is on The Freelance Show to discuss exactly what GraphQL is about. This is a great episode to understand the structure of GraphQL on the client and server side, and many other facets and features.

Show Notes

  • Erica Sadun
  • Andrew Madsen
Special Guest: Derrick Hathaway
In today's episode, the iPheaks panel, Erica, and Andrew speak with Derrick Hathaway about GraphQL. Derick is a mobile app developer and works at LifeOMic. Derrick is on The Freelance Show to discuss exactly what GraphQL is about. This is a great episode to understand the structure of GraphQL on the client and server side, and many other facets and features.
In particular, we dive pretty deep on: 
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iPS 237: GraphQL with Derrick Hathaway
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