iPS 229: Flawless App
In today's episode, the iPheaks panel, Erica and Gui speak with Lisa Dziuba and Ahmed Suljman about their new product called Flawless App. The discussion covers topics on design, how the app works, marketing, team size, and much more. This is a great episode to learn about new iOS products and their unique build and design, and implementation.
Show Notes
Erica Sadun
Gui Rambo
Special Guest: Lisa and
In today's episode, the iPheaks panel, Erica and Gui speak with Lisa Dziuba and Ahmed Suljman about their new product called Flawless App. The discussion covers topics on design, how the app works, marketing, team size, and much more. This is a great episode to learn about new iOS products and their unique build and design, and implementation.
In particular, we dive pretty deep on:
- What's Flawless
- Dealing with multiple screen sizes
- The story of Flawless
- Working on a small team
- Designing and marketing as a developer
- Marketing
- ProductHunt
- The future of Flawless app
- and much more!
- https://flawlessapp.io
- https://twitter.com/FlawlessAppio
- https://twitter.com/LisaDziuba
- https://twitter.com/ahmed_sulajman
- http://www.dailyui.co
- https://bendodson.com/weblog/2017/06/16/flawless/
- https://medium.com/flawless-app-stories/https-medium-com-flawless-app-stories-the-ultimate-guide-for-mobile-developers-who-want-to-design-part1-a2d47c04fd49
- https://medium.com/flawless-app-stories/designed-by-engineer-76cbc6ffe34d
- https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2018/01/reduce-app-optimizing-sketch-files/
- https://medium.com/flawless-app-stories/how-flawless-app-will-make-you-a-better-ui-designer-23c7c5338e8c
- https://speakerdeck.com/lisadziuba/marketing-for-engineers
- https://github.com/LisaDziuba/Marketing-for-Engineers
- https://medium.com/flawless-app-stories/flawlessapp-on-producthunt-7db3e561ce7a
- Donuts
iPS 229: Flawless App
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