iPS 167 CocoaDocs with Orta Therox


Our podcast about building mobile applications for iOS devices, Macs, and Apple TV using Swift and Objective C.


iPS 167 CocoaDocs with Orta Therox

Guests :
Published : Aug 25, 2016
Duration : 39 Minutes

Show Notes

01:36 - Orta Therox Introduction
01:56 - CocoaDocs
03:06 - CocoaDocs vs CocoaPods
04:22 - Documentation Generation
08:49 - Setting Up CocoaDocs in a Private Repository
10:17 - Metrics
  • Publishing Criteria
13:45 - Package Management Support
15:34 - CocoaDocs History
17:17 - Scaling Challenges
19:32 - Artsy
21:18 - Working with React Native
24:39 - Is CocoaDocs similar to projects that are available on other platforms? Effect on Swift Going Cross-platform
27:08 - Paying For Hosting
30:12 - danger