037 iPhreaks Show – MVC
Show Notes
Jaim Zuber (twitter Sharp Five Software) Pete Hodgson (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Ben Scheirman (twitter github blog NSSreencast)
01:32 - Model View Controller (MVC) and Model View Presenter (MVP)
01:32 - Model View Controller (MVC) and Model View Presenter (MVP)
Ruby on Rails Model View ViewModel (MVVM) MFC Knockout.js
14:20 - Implementing MVC in iOS Apps
16:46 - Designing Models
16:46 - Designing Models
Alistair Cockburn: Hexagonal Architecture Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software by Eric Evans Ruby Rogues Episode #78: Hexagonal Rails with Matt Wynne and Kevin Rutherford Ruby Rogues Episode #61: Domain Driven Design (DDD) with David Laribee
28:32 - Models and the Controller
31:00 - Key-Value Observing (KVO)
35:48 - Delegates and Blocks
35:48 - Delegates and Blocks
Mattt Thompson: Key-Value Observing (Pete) Alistair Cockburn: Hexagonal Architecture (Pete) Saul Mora - Design Patterns for Mobile Apps (Pete) New Spring: The Novel (Wheel of Time) by Robert Jordan (Chuck) Freelancing Q&A (Chuck)
Next Week
PETE: I can’t believe I beat Ben Scheirman today.
PETE: I can’t believe I beat Ben Scheirman today.
CHUCK: With a stick?
PETE: No, he’s in the wrong state for that.
CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to episode 37 of the iPhreaks Show. This week on our panel we have Jaim Zuber.
JAIM: Hello from Minneapolis, where it’s a balmy 4°.
CHUCK: Pete Hodgson.
PETE: You just totally stole my thunder. I was going to complain about being cold in San Francisco, but it’s a lot warmer than that. Hello from not-so-frigid San Francisco.
CHUCK: How cold is it in San Francisco?
PETE: [Chuckles] Like, 32°. I don’t know, it feels like it’s freezing, but it’s probably not even 32°. Probably warmer than that, just cold for San Francisco.
CHUCK: Charles Max Wood from DevChat.tv and it’s also 4° here.
PETE: Okay, I’ll stop complaining.
JAIM: Really? Or is it just dry cold?
CHUCK: Yeah, it’s just dry cold here, too. We did get some snow.
JAIM: There we go.
PETE: It all makes sense now.
JAIM: A little bit nicer.
CHUCK: Yeah. Gives you something to do – go shovel snow, go skiing – we’re making people jealous now, I'm sure.
PETE: I think I've been here once in San Francisco when it snowed, and it was like two or three flakes on the top of Twin Peaks, which is like the only really tall bit of San Francisco, and people drove their cars up there in the middle of the night to see these snowflakes fall [chuckles]. But it wasn’t like snowball fights; it was like four snowflakes. It was really exciting; it made my year. No skiing that year for us at San Francisco.
CHUCK: Oh, come on. Alright. Anyway, so today on our [inaudible] we have MVC.
JAIM: Alright, we’re talking MVC – an MVC extravaganza of sorts, I think.
CHUCK: Yup. [Chuckles]
PETE: Maybe we should start off with a definition.
CHUCK: [Chuckles] A definition. Thanks, Josh.
JAIM: That might take the entire episode, I think.
PETE: With MVC, I always get really confused. So I know what MVC stands for: Model-View-Controller. And I kind of understand the principles quite well. But what I don’t get is the difference between MVC and MVP, and then it gets really confusing when you start talking about some of the other things out there. This is a long shot. Do either of you two know the difference between MVC and MVP? Because I definitely could not answer that if I have to save my life.
CHUCK: I have a very vague idea of what it means, so I'm not even going to venture to try because I’ll probably get it wrong. One thing that I can say, though is that I've come to iOS programming from a very strong Rails background, and MVC in Rails and MVC in iOS are not the same.
JAIM: Yup.
CHUCK: I tend to think of iOS as more of an MVVM, because –.
JAIM: I forgot about that one.
CHUCK: The controller acts more like a view model or a view controller than it does, you know, a full-on controller.

037 iPhreaks Show – MVC
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