Speeding up Elixir Regex replacement at Tubi with Yiming Chen - EMx 135
This week, we talk with Yiming Chen about how drilled into the root cause of some slow requests and how it turned out to be an issue with Elixir's own Regex module. We talk about how they monitor performance at Tubi, what they tried to solve the issue, and how they ssh'ed into production to run more detailed performance monitoring.
Special Guests:
Yiming Chen
Show Notes
This week, we talk with Yiming Chen about how drilled into the root cause of some slow requests and how it turned out to be an issue with Elixir's own Regex module. We talk about how they monitor performance at Tubi, what they tried to solve the issue, and how they ssh'ed into production to run more detailed performance monitoring.
- Adi Iyengar
- Allen Wyma
- Charles Max Wood
- Sascha Wolf
- Yiming Chen
- How we discovered a 7-year old performance issue in Elixir
- GitHub | proger/eflame
- Erlang -- eprof
- Erlang -- Profiling
- GitHub | dsdshcym/promox
- What I learned from implementing Combinators in 3 Elixir patterns
- Twitter: Yiming Chen ( @dsdshcym )
- Adi- Buy a car
- Adi- GitHub | cuelang/cue
- Allen- How using hyper in curl can help make the internet safer
- Allen- 3D Mockups Fast | Rotato
- Charles- Atlas Shrugged
- Charles- Home Depot
- Sascha- Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability
- Sascha- The Power of Vulnerability
- Yiming- GitHub | dsdshcym/objext
Contact Adi:
- Adi Iyengar – The Bug Catcher
- GitHub: Adi Iyengar ( thebugcatcher )
- Twitter: Adi Iyengar ( @lebugcatcher )
Contact Allen:
- Plangora Limited
- Plangora – YouTube
- Plangora | Facebook
- Tech_Plangora Limited_Elixir | Instagram
- Twitter: Plangora ( @Plangora )
- LinkedIn: Plangora – Web and Mobile Development
- Plangora – Reddit
Flying High With Flutter
- Flying High With Flutter
- Flying High with Flutter – YouTube
- Flying High with Flutter | Facebook
- Flying High With Flutter | Instagram
- Twitter: Flying High with Flutter ( @fhwflutter )
Teach Me Code
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Special Guest: Yiming Chen.

Speeding up Elixir Regex replacement at Tubi with Yiming Chen - EMx 135
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