Mastering LiveView ft. Sophie DeBenedetto - EMx 153
Sophie DeBenedetto rejoins the mix to discuss the latest developments in LiveView and how to use it to best effect in your Phoenix applications. She also discusses co-authoring the book "Programming Phoenix LiveView" with Bruce Tate and how the future of the project will drive the future of the book.
Special Guests:
Sophie DeBenedetto
Show Notes
Sophie DeBenedetto rejoins the mix to discuss the latest developments in LiveView and how to use it to best effect in your Phoenix applications.
She also discusses co-authoring the book "Programming Phoenix LiveView" with Bruce Tate and how the future of the project will drive the future of the book.
- Adi Iyengar
- Allen Wyma
- Charles Max Wood
- Sascha Wolf
- Sophie DeBenedetto
- LiveView Integration Tests in Elixir | AppSignal Blog
- ElixirConf 2021 - Chris McCord - The Future of Full-stack - YouTube
- GitHub - grych/drab: Remote controlled frontend framework for Phoenix.
- GitHub - chrismccord/render_sync: Real-time Rails Partials
- Programming Phoenix LiveView: Interactive Elixir Web Programming Without Writing Any JavaScript by Bruce A. Tate and Sophie DeBenedetto
- Beam Radio
- Twitter: Sophie DeBenedetto ( @sm_debenedetto )
- Adi- GitHub - elixir-lang/elixir: Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications
- Allen- Rust With Flutter
- Charles- Scythe – Stonemaier Games
- Sascha- Tabletop Simulator
- Sophie- Programming Phoenix LiveView
- Sophie- Timeline
Special Guest: Sophie DeBenedetto.
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Mastering LiveView ft. Sophie DeBenedetto - EMx 153
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