EMx 060: Property-Based Testing, Dialyzer, & Inaka with Brujo Benavides
Brujo Benavides shares what he is working on right now and how his team feels about working in both Elixir and Erlang. He shares what his team has gotten out of using Elixir and what he thinks his team will get out of Elixir in the future. The panel discusses property-based testing and Fred Hebert’s book on property-based testing. Brujo shares use cases that would benefit from property-based testing and those that would benefit from unit testing. The panel considers dialyzer and shares their experiences using it in their code. Brujo explains how he chooses which tools to use for a project. Inaka is discussed; Brujo explains what they are all about and how to join. Upcoming conferences that Inaka is organizing is outlined and details on how to buy tickets are given.

Show Notes
- Mark Ericksen
- Eric Oestrich
- Michael Ries
- EMx 031: Lessons from a Decade of Erlang with Brujo Benavides
- https://elixir-lang.org/docs.html
- EMx 047: Property Based Testing with PropEr and Fred Hebert
- My Take on Property-Based Testing for Erlang & Elixir
- https://github.com/proper-testing/proper
- Help Dialyzer Help You!
- http://erlang.org/doc/man/dialyzer.html
- http://erlang.org/doc/man/dialyzer.html#gui-0
- http://erlang.org/doc/apps/dialyzer/dialyzer_chapter.html#dialyzer_gui
- Erlang Oddities - Brujo Benavides
- https://github.com/inaka/elvis
- https://hex.pm/packages/dialyxir
- https://github.com/inaka
- https://github.com/inaka/guidelines
- https://spawnfest.github.io/
- https://www.elixirconf.la/
- https://twitter.com/elbrujohalcon
- https://github.com/elbrujohalcon
- https://www.facebook.com/Elixir-Mix
- https://twitter.com/elixir_mix
- Foam board
- https://devchat.tv/elixir-mix/