EMx 045: Where the Wild Things Are with Johnny Winn
Johnny Winn share his story with the panel starting with how elixir fountain got started. The panel compares elixir to other languages and share what they appreciate about it. After Johnny talks about what he is working on and his love for experimenting with elixir, the panel reveals some of the dumb, fun experiments that they have done in the past. Johnny shares how he burned himself out and the panel picks Johnny’s brain on signs that a someone might be burning out.
Special Guests:
Johnny Winn
Show Notes
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- CacheFly
- Charles Max Wood
- Mark Ericksen
- Josh Adams
Joined by Special Guests: Johnny Winn and Michael Ries
Johnny Winn share his story with the panel starting with how elixir fountain got started. The panel compares elixir to other languages and share what they appreciate about it. After Johnny talks about what he is working on and his love for experimenting with elixir, the panel reveals some of the dumb, fun experiments that they have done in the past. Johnny shares how he burned himself out and the panel picks Johnny’s brain on signs that a someone might be burning out. This leads the panel into a deeper discussion of Johnny’s story and how he overcame that hard time in his life. Johnny shares a lot of tips and advice about how to stay positive and live a happy productive life. The panel ends with a throw back to the elixir fountain by doing a “five behind the code” with Johnny.
- Exercises for Programmers: 57 Challenges to Develop Your Coding Skills by Brian P. Hogan
- https://github.com/nurugger07/inflex
- https://vimeo.com/108441214
- https://github.com/nurugger07/calliope
- https://erlangcentral.org/videos/viva-la-evolucion-replicating-life-with-otp-by-johnny-winn/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wh68a1UKY5w
- https://elixirforum.com/
- https://twitter.com/elixirfountain
- https://twitter.com/johnny_rugger
- https://www.facebook.com/Elixir-Mix
- https://twitter.com/elixir_mix
Charles Max Wood
- https://www.vrbo.com
- https://www.hotwire.com/
- Las Vegas, NV
Josh Adams
Michael Ries
Johnny Winn
- https://preloaded.com/work/science-museum-rugged-rovers/
- Science Museum of London
- https://www.cruiseamerica.com/
Special Guests: Johnny Winn and Michael Ries.

EMx 045: Where the Wild Things Are with Johnny Winn
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