EMx 010: Docker with Julian Fahrer
In this episode of Elixir Mix, the panel talks to Julian Fahrer about Docker. Docker is a container platform, which you can imagine as a set of tools, services, and practices that help you to develop, ship, and run your applications using software container technology. They talk about the applicability for developers for using Docker, the two different ways people use Docker, and how he usually uses Docker. They also touch on the main idea behind containers, the basics of Docker, and more!
Special Guests:
Julian Fahrer

Show Notes
- Charles Max Wood
- Eric Berry
- Mark Erikson
Special Guests: Julian Fahrer
In this episode of Elixir Mix, the panel talks to Julian Fahrer about Docker. Docker is a container platform, which you can imagine as a set of tools, services, and practices that help you to develop, ship, and run your applications using software container technology. They talk about the applicability for developers for using Docker, the two different ways people use Docker, and how he usually uses Docker. They also touch on the main idea behind containers, the basics of Docker, and more!
In particular, we dive pretty deep on:
- What is Docker?
- Containers are very lightweight
- Containers VS virtual machines
- How are people using Docker with Erlang and/or Elixir?
- What’s the applicability for using Docker?
- Ability to set up complex systems
- Docker works out of the box with Windows, Mac, and Linux
- 2 different ways people use Docker
- How do you usually use Docker?
- Working with Discourse
- Discourse uses Docker exclusively
- CodeFund
- Are you saying that the projects are headed more towards open source using Docker?
- Using Docker to have a front and backend separated experience
- Phoenix
- Main idea behind containers
- Running things in isolation
- John Papa Demonstration
- The value of deploying a release if you’re doing a Docker container
- The basics of Docker
- learndocker.online
- And much, much more!
- Docker
- Erlang
- Elixir
- Discourse
- CodeFund
- Phoenix
- John Papa Demonstration
- learndocker.online
- Prometheus
- Twelve Factor App
- codetales.io
- @jufahr
- Julian GitHub
- Take time to code for fun
- Get away
- devchat.tv/elixir-docker
- Dockerfile – his Gist
Special Guest: Julian Fahrer.

EMx 010: Docker with Julian Fahrer
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