Code Quality Tools In Elixir - EMx 163
Today, the gang discusses the best code-quality tools that you NEED in your Elixir tool-belt, plus what to look out for in the Elixir world this year. It's gonna be a good one!
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Today, the gang discusses the best code-quality tools that you NEED in your Elixir tool-belt, plus what to look out for in the Elixir world this year. It's gonna be a good one!
- GitHub - rrrene/credo
- GitHub - christopheradams/elixir_style_guide
- Twitter: @josevalim - using mix format on .heex files
- GitHub - elixir-wallaby/wallaby
- GitHub - jeremyjh/dialyxir
- GitHub - nccgroup/sobelow
- GitHub - dnlserrano/exavier
- GitHub - devonestes/muzak
- GitHub - tmbb/darwin
- GitHub - whatyouhide/stream_data

Code Quality Tools In Elixir - EMx 163
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