Building APIs - EMX 181
In this episode Adi and Sascha dig deeper into what it means to consume and build APIs in Elixir and how a RESTful approach compares to choosing GraphQL as your weapon of choice. Along the way they discuss common pitfalls when building APIs (spoiler: one is caching), how to test all of this, and what their personal preferences and experiences are in creating APIs in Elixir.
Show Notes
In this episode Adi and Sascha dig deeper into what it means to consume and build APIs in Elixir and how a RESTful approach compares to choosing GraphQL as your weapon of choice. Along the way they discuss common pitfalls when building APIs (spoiler: one is caching), how to test all of this, and what their personal preferences and experiences are in creating APIs in Elixir.
- Finch - Finch v0.12.0
- HTTPoison - HTTPoison v1.8.1
- GitHub - elixir-plug/plug_cowboy: Plug adapter for the Cowboy web server
- Instant GraphQL APIs on your data | Built-in Authz & Caching
- DDD, Hexagonal, Onion, Clean, CQRS, ... How I put it all together
- Protocol Buffers | Google Developers
- GitHub - parroty/exvcr: HTTP request/response recording library for elixir, inspired by VCR.
- Boston Elixir June 2021 - Adi Iyengar - Levels of testing API calls
- How I deal with behaviours and boilerplate - Sascha Wolf
- A guide to fuzz testing
- Adi- Reach out if you're hiring Elixir devs! (
- Adi- Buy a punching bag for both workout/releasing frustration
- Adi- Testing Elixir
- Sascha- Deep Rock Galactic
Building APIs - EMX 181
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