Clean Coders Podcast
Don't Let These Things Keep You From Podcasting - BONUS
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 029: Code Cognitive Load with Daniel Markham
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 010: The Programmer's Oath with Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 002: Agile Model for Success and InfoOps with Daniel Markham
Clean Coders Podcast
BONUS: How Jason Weimann Became a Game Developer
Clean Coders Podcast
BONUS: How Jason Weimann Became a Game Developer
Clean Coders Podcast
BONUS: Measuring Apps and Entrepreneurship with John-Daniel Trask
Clean Coders Podcast
BONUS: Measuring Apps and Entrepreneurship with John-Daniel Trask
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 019: Agile Formula for Success with Daniel Markham
Clean Coders Podcast
The Nostr Protocol With Robert C. Martin - CC 036
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 018: Clean Architecture with Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin
Clean Coders Podcast
BONUS: How to get Freelance Clients to Come to You
Clean Coders Podcast
The 3 Essentials for Successful Job Outcomes - BONUS
Clean Coders Podcast
BONUS: How to do LARGE Volumes of HIGH Quality Work - While Spending Fewer Hours Working
Clean Coders Podcast
BONUS: Relationships Matter Most
Clean Coders Podcast
Code Quality for Mobile Development with Eric Crichlow - CC 032
Clean Coders Podcast
How to Get Hired at a FANG Company - BONUS
Clean Coders Podcast
BONUS: Continuing Your Learning Journey by Finding Mentors as an Influencer
Clean Coders Podcast
Becoming the Go-To Person in Your Technology Area - BONUS
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 011: The Open Debates from the iOS Development Community with Eric Crichlow
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 025: Self Managing Teams with Sandro Mancuso
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 007: The Processes and Procedures We Take for Granted with Michael Whatcott
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 013: Software Modernization Programs with Sandro Mancuso
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 020: How to Write and Refactor to Clean Code with Micah Martin
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 030: Clean Craftsmanship with Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 015: Getting Started with Go with Michael Whatcott
Clean Coders Podcast
BONUS: How Opportunities Come Your Way When You're an Influencer
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 016: Embedded Systems and IoT with James Grenning
Clean Coders Podcast
The 3 Essentials for Successful Job Outcomes - BONUS
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 005: Clean Coding in Mobile with Eric Crichlow
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 021: Principles of Clean Coding with Chris Powers
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 024: The Costs of Software of the Lifecycle of a Project with Chris Powers
Clean Coders Podcast
The Power of Logging on Mobile ft. Eric Crichlow – CC 034
Clean Coders Podcast
Acceptance Testing with Paul Stringer - CC 035
Clean Coders Podcast
Becoming the Go-To Person in Your Technology Area - BONUS
Clean Coders Podcast
Reviewing Performance and Salary with Sandro Mancuso - CC 033
Clean Coders Podcast
BONUS: How to Crush Your Biggest Goals in 2021
Clean Coders Podcast
BONUS: What is Charles Max Wood's Biggest Payoff for Being a Dev Influencer?
Clean Coders Podcast
BONUS: What is Charles Max Wood’s Biggest Payoff for Being a Dev Influencer?
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 006: Clean Code in the Clean Coders Codebase with Micah Martin
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 008: Code Quality and Building a Culture of Clean Coding with Jonathan Oliver
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 010: The Programmer’s Oath with Robert “Uncle Bob” Martin
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 014: The Programmer's Oath - Part 2 - with Robert C. "Uncle Bob" Martin
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 017: Mobile Development with Eric Crichlow
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 022: The Gap Between Human Language and Computer Logic with Daniel B Markham
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 023: How to start with Test Driven Development (TDD) with Robert C. "Uncle Bob" Martin
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 026: How to Make an Impact on the Development Community
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 027: What is a Top 5% Developer?
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 031: The Greatest Programming Books You've Never Heard of with Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin
Clean Coders Podcast
How to Get Hired at a FANG Company - BONUS
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 001: Clean Agile with Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 004: Software Craftsmanship with Sandro Mancuso
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 003: Leveling Up, Mentorship, and Clean Code in the Browser with Chris Powers
Clean Coders Podcast
BONUS: Continuing Your Learning Journey by Finding Mentors as an Influencer
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 028: Building Courses and Changing Jobs with Eric Crichlow
Clean Coders Podcast
BONUS: Relationships Matter Most
Clean Coders Podcast
BONUS: How Opportunities Come Your Way When You're an Influencer
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 009: Naming Things with Daniel Markham
Clean Coders Podcast
CC 012: The Practice of Preparedness with Chris Powers
Clean Coders Podcast
3 Fundamental Pillars You Need to Succeed as an Entrepreneur - BONUS