How to Build and Organize Production ML Solutions ft. Conor Murphy - ML 047
Conor Murphy joins the adventure to explain how he approaches new problems from customers at databricks and how he helps customers see their way past issues with their current solutions to get the outcomes they want.
Special Guests:
Conor Murphy

Show Notes
Conor Murphy joins the adventure to explain how he approaches new problems from customers at databricks and how he helps customers see their way past issues with their current solutions to get the outcomes they want.
- Ben Wilson
- Charles Max Wood
- Francois Bertrand
- Conor Murphy
- A dose of awe from the bleeding edge of neuroscience, AI and philosophy
- LinkedIn: Conor B. Murphy
- Instagram: Conor B Murphy ( conorbmurphy )
- Ben- ArjanCodes - YouTube
- Charles- PodcastBootcamp.io
- Charles- Masters of Doom
- Charles- How to Make Sh*t Happen
- Charles- Tribe of Millionaires
- Conor- The Art of Impossible
- Charles- The Road Back to You
- Conor- Scale
- Francois- Favro
Contact Ben:
- Databricks
- GitHub | BenWilson2/ML-Engineering
- GitHub | databrickslabs/automl-toolkit
- LinkedIn: Benjamin Wilson
Contact Charles:
Contact Francois:
Special Guest: Conor Murphy.
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How to Build and Organize Production ML Solutions ft. Conor Murphy - ML 047
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