From Software Engineer to Data Engineer ft. Alexey Grigorev - ML 042
Alexey Grigorev joins the Adventure to discuss how software engineers can begin making the transition from Software Engineer to Data Scientist in their career.
Special Guests:
Alexey Grigorev

Show Notes
Alexey Grigorev joins the Adventure to discuss how software engineers can begin making the transition from Software Engineer to Data Scientist in their career.
Ben Wilson also gets asked about this frequently and chimes in with his experience.
- Charles Max Wood
- Ben Wilson
- Francois Bertrand
- Alexey Grigorev
- From Software Engineering to Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Zoomcamp
- Datatalks.Club
- LinkedIn: Alexey Grigorev
- Twitter: Alexey Grigorev ( @Al_Grigor )
- Alexey- Running from Complexity
- Ben- Machine Learning Bookcamp
- Charles- Devchat.tv/levelup
- Francois- Cozy Fall Coffee Shop Ambience - YouTube
Contact Ben:
- Databricks
- GitHub | BenWilson2/ML-Engineering
- GitHub | databrickslabs/automl-toolkit
- LinkedIn: Benjamin Wilson
Contact Charles:
Contact Francois:
Special Guest: Alexey Grigorev.

From Software Engineer to Data Engineer ft. Alexey Grigorev - ML 042
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