Apache Spark Integration and Platform Execution for ML - ML 073
Apache Spark is a lightning-fast unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing and machine learning. In this episode, Ben and Michael unpack Spark by ping-ponging questions and answers, supplemented by various examples applicable to machine learning workflows.
Show Notes
Apache Spark is a lightning-fast unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing and machine learning. In this episode, Ben and Michael unpack Spark by ping-ponging questions and answers, supplemented by various examples applicable to machine learning workflows.
In this Episode…
- How does Spark work?
- What makes Apache Spark effective?
- Dot repartition in Spark
- Parallel processing systems
- What is an aggregation in Spark sequel?
- Analytics with Spark
- What is MPP?
- Testing for production
- Spark algorithms
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Apache Spark Integration and Platform Execution for ML - ML 073
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