Getting your ideas across can be difficult for a new person on the job or even a seasoned professional. Join in as...
When you’re working on the web, there will also be a high chance for you to experience hacking. In this all-panelist...
Each learner uses different methods in order to obtain a certain knowledge or skill. In this episode, Jonathan and...
In this episode, Jonathan and Will don their exterminator suits and talk about zombies, podcast automation, and where...
Today on the show, Jonathan and Will talk with Vince Reed, Director of DevOps at Polygon Technology, a decentralized...
Today on the show, Jonathan and Will talk with Connor Hicks, founder of Suborbital, a serverless platform powered by...
Helm is the package manager for Kubernetes that helps you define, install, and upgrade even the most complex...
Aviad Mor is the CTO and co-founder of Lumigo, a serverless intelligence platform that helps developers understand...
WebAssembly is a portable binary-code format and a corresponding text format for executable programs to interface...
With recent high-profile software supply chain breaches and President Biden's Executive Order to improve the nation's...
DevOps culture and rapid cloud adoption has developers shipping code faster than ever and security is struggling to...
Today on the show, Ava Naeini shares about her patent pending intelligent engine tool that uses machine learning and...