DevOps 042: Risk Posture Drift and Immutable Security with Sachin Aggarwal
In this episode of Adventures in DevOps, Sachin Aggarwal of Accurics walks us through his latest startup which is focused on helping to secure Infrastructure as Code (IaC) by identifying risk and policy violations, and fixing them on the fly.
Special Guests:
Sachin Aggarwal
Show Notes
In this episode of Adventures in DevOps, Sachin Aggarwal of Accurics walks us through his latest startup which is focused on helping to secure Infrastructure as Code (IaC) by identifying risk and policy violations, and fixing them on the fly.
- Nell Shamrell-Harrington
- Jeff Groman
- Tyler Bird
- Sachin Aggarwal
Sachin Aggarwal:
Tyler Bird:
Nell Shamrell-Harrington:
Jeff Groman:
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DevOps 042: Risk Posture Drift and Immutable Security with Sachin Aggarwal
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