DevOps 003: The Tool Chain Crisis with Priyanka Sharma
Priyanka Sharma gives an intro to the tool chain crisis; the panel shares their perspective on the crisis and where they see this problem. The panel considers how to solve this problem and Priyanka outlines a solution. She gives examples of how to start the data modeling process she believes will help solve this crisis along with suggesting guard rails for developers. The panel discusses this solution and considers how this will work in startups and smaller companies compared to well-established companies with their own tooling. Priyanka shares how to overcome the “we invented it here” syndrome. The panel considers how to choose the tools and the criteria to follow when considering tools.

Show Notes
- Charles Max Wood
- Lee Whalen
- Scott Nixon
- https://kubernetes.io/
- https://jenkins.io/
- https://travis-ci.org/
- https://aws.amazon.com/eks/
- https://about.gitlab.com/2019/07/03/group-conversation-podcast/
- https://about.gitlab.com/
- https://meetings.hubspot.com/team104/adventures-in-devops-episode
- Enterprise Leaders’ Protips for Scavenger Hunting Through the Cloud Native Tool Weeds
- https://blogs.vmware.com/cloudnative/files/2018/01/Screen-Shot-2018-01-22-at-4.19.03-PM.png
- https://linkerd.io/
- Https://nginx.org
- https://www.cncf.io/
- https://www.envoyproxy.io/
- https://prometheus.io/
- https://twitter.com/pritianka
- https://www.facebook.com/Adventures-in-DevOps-345350773046268/
- https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/web_ide/
- Keynote: Commercial Open Source Business Models - Sid Sijbrandij, Co-founder & CEO, GitLab
- https://ai.google/research/pubs/pub36356
- Go Remote- https://about.gitlab.com/company/culture/all-remote/#resources
- Air Conditioning
- https://conferences.oreilly.com/oscon/oscon-or
- The Expanse