ABC 001: Getting Started With Blockchain Development
The panel introduces themselves in this exciting new podcast. Roman Storm, a former software engineer, wanted to build a startup and heard about Bitcoin. After building himself a bitcoin wallet and later moved the Ethereum, he eventually began security consulting for companies in the blockchain space. Bruno Duarte Brito has a very unique story having never owned a cryptocurrency or a wallet; he found his way to the blockchain by requesting to be put on a blockchain project at his company. Bruno mostly works with Hyperledger and blockchain for business. Gregory McCubbin, a self-taught developer, started following cryptocurrency prices and wanted to learn more. Looking for online resources, he found the materials available scarce. After learning blockchain he built up Dapp University as a resource for future blockchain developers.
Show Notes
- Gregory McCubbin
- Roman Storm
- Bruno Duarte Brito
- How To Build A Blockchain App (Etherum, Web3.js & Solidity Smart Contracts) - PT1
- http://www.dappuniversity.com/
- https://www.ibm.com/us-en/?ar=1
- https://blockgeeks.com/
- https://www.hyperledger.org/
- https://www.ethereum.org/
- Roman Storm's youtube
- Join The Blockchain Developer Bootcamp
- https://www.facebook.com/Adventures-in-Blockchain
- https://twitter.com/adv_blockchain