AiA 174: Reducing Boilerplate of Redux/NGRX Patterns in Angular with Austin McDaniel
In the episode of Adventures in Angular the panel discusses Reducing Boilerplate of Redux/NGRX Patterns in Angular with Austin McDaniel. Austin is an Angular Team Member, he contributes to the material project, is a panelist on the Angular Air Podcast, and much more. Austin talks about the boilerplate issues of Redux/NGRX Patterns in Angular. Austin and the panel discuss the fixes for these once difficult actions with NGRX actions. This is a great episode to understand the reduced boilerplate and libraries.
Special Guests:
Austin McDaniel
Show Notes
Charles Max Wood
John Papa
Alyssa Nicoll
Ward Bell
Shai Reznik
Special Guests: Austin McDaniel
In the episode of Adventures in Angular the panel discusses Reducing Boilerplate of Redux/NGRX Patterns in Angular with Austin McDaniel. Austin is an Angular Team Member, he contributes to the material project, is a panelist on the Angular Air Podcast, and much more. Austin talks about the boilerplate issues of Redux/NGRX Patterns in Angular. Austin and the panel discuss the fixes for these once difficult actions with NGRX actions. This is a great episode to understand the reduced boilerplate and libraries.
In particular, we dive pretty deep on:
•Issues with boilerplate
- Libraries
- Redux patter for Angular - Advantages
- Complexities
- If you are using and injectable service
- More resources at: AiA Episode 169 with Jesse Sanders
- Question what we are saying!
- Make sure it is solving problems
- Store systems
- Writing an API
- Command Query Operation
- Switch Statements
- Redux Actions
- Passing String constants
- Actions and Type
- Passing the action class
- Reducers
- Keeping the project portable
- Relations
- Code Generator
•and much more!
- Angular Air Podcast
- @amcdnl
- Getting Things Done
- Workflowy
- Karma Maca Reporter
Special Guest: Austin McDaniel.
AiA 174: Reducing Boilerplate of Redux/NGRX Patterns in Angular with Austin McDaniel
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