Show Notes

02:20 - Introducing Tobias Bosch
03:40 - What does the Compiler do?
05:00 - Compiling in Angular 2
09:15 - Loading templates after using an Angular 2.0 Compiler
10:30 - Just In Time and Ahead Of Time compilations
15:40 - Advantages of the AOT approach
17:40 - Hacker attacks
19:45 - Dynamic scenarios
21:35 - Functions of the Compiler: Tree shaking
25:50 - Angular 2.0 Compiler and end modules
26:40 - AOT and sizing
27:40 - Rollup bundles
30:10 - Using RxJs
32:00 - Router outlets and siblings
34:40 - Plans for rolling out features for developers
37:40 - Motivations and driving forces
39:20 - Rendering targets
TensorFlow (Tobias)
NG Cruise (Joe)
Angular 2.0 Ultimate Workshop (rescheduled) (John)
Enter the lottery to win the opportunity to buy a ticket to NG-Conf (Joe)
Call for presenters for NG-Conf will open November 1st (Joe)
Special Guest: Tobias Bosch.
Album Art
116 AiA Angular 2 Compiler with Tobias Bosch
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