Show Notes
Get your tickets for Angular Remote Conf!
Enter the ng-conf ticket lottery!
03:44 -
04:58 - Pluralsight
06:26 - Code School: AngularJS Tutorial
06:52 - DEVintersection Conference
07:30 - Stack Overflow + Plunker
08:02 - Angular Remote Conf
08:50 - AngularConnect
08:58 - Onsite Training
11:10 - Backends
- Lukas
- Ward
- Chuck
14:09 - John Papa's Angular Style Guide
14:24 - Lukas’ Blog
15:04 - ng-newsletter
15:39 - ng-book
16:29 - Getting Started with Angular
18:41 - Working with Designers
20:14 - Hack Reactor
20:42 - Angular Boot Camp
21:22 - Khan Academy
21:30 - Angular 2 Resources & Skills You Should Know
- Exploring ES6 by Axel Rauschmayer
- TypeScript
- Visual Studio Code
- Babel
- Angular Articles by Pascal Precht
25:54 - Podcasts
26:33 - Angular Unit Testing
27:22 - AngularJS on YouTube
Slack (Ward)
The Pillars of Reality Series by Jack Campbell (Lukas)
Angular Remote Conf (Chuck)
Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown (Chuck)
The Pillars of Reality Series by Jack Campbell (Lukas)
Angular Remote Conf (Chuck)
Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown (Chuck)
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Hey, everybody! Welcome to Episode 59 of the Adventures in Angular show. This week on our panel, we have Lukas Reubbelke.
Ward Bell.
Hello there!
I'm Charles Maxwood from Just reminding you probably for the last time, go check out I also have a quick announcement from Joe. That is that the ng-conf tickets-- because they sold out so quickly last time, they're doing a lottery. So if you want tickets to ng-conf, you can go into the lottery. The lottery is free, the tickets are not. They are just going to randomly draw people and let them know that they can purchase tickets. And then, they'll probably do another lottery because not everybody who they offer the opportunity to buy a ticket will buy a ticket, and they'll probably do that once or twice. So go over to I think it's and check it out. Get your name on the list so that you can get tickets to conference. It's next year, May 4th-6th, in Salt Lake City. It's my hometown, I may try and just walk in if I don't get a ticket [laughter], but we'll see if that will work out.
That worked last year for you.
Yeah, last year, I finagled a free ticket. I think it was free. I don't remember. I might have paid for it. Anyway, I finagled a ticket, and I got to go. So is where it's at.
Actually, not quite. It's
Oh,, okay. Thank you for that.
Yes. I just found out [laughter].
Alright. Well, let's go ahead and do a show. We haven't done this topic since we started the show so I thought, maybe, we could revisit it and talk about what's out there now. A lot of people seem to be asking me these days what resources are there out there for learning how to do Angular. I also get to asked this question for Angular 2 and there are few of those out there, too. So, I figured we could just talk about that and see where you gentlemen and where I am going to learn about Angular. Do either of you have a favorite resouce that you go to to get training on Angular?
Caveat to that is, I am an author so-- just full disclosure-- I did do a free series on AngularJS fundamentals where I just walk through some very basic things in regards to an Angular app. So generally, when somebody ask me like, "How do I ramp up on Angular?" that's the first place that I send them. It's nine lessons, totally free, totally approachable, and it's just a really good way to see some of the fundemental concepts of, first instance, how do I even bootstrap Angular within an application and go from there and just cut your teeth on something. But I actually built something semi non-trivial. For me, that's my go-to place to start-- the free Angular Fundamental Series on egghead.
They've also got a whole bunch of other ones on here. I'm looking at it real quickly and I'm seeing AngularJS authentication with JWT, I'm seeing protractor testing, data modelling, they've also got stuff on Ionic, and there's all kinds of stuff here. Gulp application architecture, webpack... So if you're looking for Angular stuff and you're willing to drop some dough on it, this is a good place to go. And they do actually have a couple of free videos that I'm seeing here, too.
Yeah. Full disclosure, I'm a Pluralsight author-- and I'm going to talk about Pluralsight in a second-but I also want to say that delivers wonderful content in a very different style than Pluralsight, and both the free and the paid content from are great. That said, I would also say that Joe and I and you, Chuck-- you're a Pluralsight author, aren't you?
There's some debate on that, but yeah, go ahead.
There's some debate about that, right--
And John Papa, our other fellow panelists--
As am I.
Oh, you're also a Pluralsight author?
By way of offer and masters.
Hey, hey, hey...
Well, anyway, there are a lot of us who have content on Pluralsight. That's also a subscription service well worth the money. You can get free trials to check it out and cover a wide variety of content. But if I were to start a point out at difference, I would say the Pluralsight stuff tends to be more long form, the courses are minimum of two hours, whereas has this wonderful little learn something useful in 5-10 minute kind of things.
Yeah. And just to point out, both of these are video contents so you actually get in to watch them, watch somebody code, or you watch they do slides and then code so you get the concepts and then you get the explanations and the demonstrations. That's the best way, for me, to learn if I'm doing a video is to see somebody actually type it in and I pause it and I go type it in. They're terrific videos.
I know that Code School also has an Angular course. So if you like the "here's a little bit of a story" and you're going to build the stuff out, they've mastered that, too, and that's all video as well.
Another good resources actually, our buddy, Dan Wahlin, did a video a while back. It's basically AngularJS Fundamentals in 60ish minutes, which a lot of people have used that to ramp up as well. It's a really good video.
If you've got a little jingle in your pocket or you're going to a conference, there are also good choices there lilke DEVintersections, this one conference in Las Vegas. There's a conference this fall, I'll be there, Dan will be there, John will be there, and there are workshops, which by the way if you get to workshop, then you'll get a gift that'll almost pays for the ticket, and there's lots of contents.
Which conference is this?
This is DEVintersections.
There, you can meet and greet other people who are in the same bewildered state that you are and share [laughter] your experiences. I'm kidding. Not everybody is bewildered.
So then, once you got a little bit of chops under you, for me, one of the great resources is Stack Overflow combined with Plunker, P-L-U-N-K-E-R. Plunker is one of those places where you-online-- where you can see code running, tweak it, see it run again, break it, all that good stuff. And, it's tagged so the Angular tags are pretty revealing, and many people who provide answers to questions in Stack Overflow have links to example codes running in Plunker. Highly recommended.
Yup. I'm also, since you brought up conferences, I'm just going to plug it here if you want to attend Angular Remote Conf. This is just an online conference I'm putting on. I know that a lot of people have trouble getting out to conferences because the travel is expensive, the tickets are usually pretty expensive, so I thought, "Okay, what's an option that people can go for?" So I've got Brad Green and several other folks coming out to speak, Lukas is speaking at Angular Remote Conf, so you can get some expert content for an hour at a time from these different folks. I'm actually going to be posting next to the schedule up this week so you'll be able to see who the other speakers are.
I think that's going to be great, Chuck. I only wish I had been able to dedicate some time to that this time around. But I know it will be a success and I look forward to next time.
Yup. And I know that AngularConnect is coming up in England so that's another option. If you're in Europe, there's a good option there.
I don't know how many business listeners we have out there, but they often have a training budget, and many of us offer onsite training that's really focused on getting you ramped up for the kind of application you're actulally trying to build. One of the challenge is, of course, with going with this open education stuff is that it's all great and it's all oriented to what people do in general. But if you're on a deadline and you have something to build, there's nothing like having somebody visit you onsite and take you through in the context of the application that you actually have to build in a certain amount of time. I know this sounds like self-promotion, but it's important to know that these are options and we're not the only people that do it. And when I say we, I mean your panelists here-- many of us are all have our own way of doing that-- but it's a pretty effective way. It turns out to be cost-effective, although, it doesn't seem that way initially because most people like to wander in the woods forever. But when you're on a deadline, we can help.
Yeah. And just to pile onto that a little bit is that most of the content we've talked about with Pluralsight,, Code School, a lot of the content that they have there, I would dare say probably at least 75% of the content there is geared toward people who are new or newish to Angular, and then the rest of it is generic but targets people who are doing it and trying to solve specific problems. So if you want somebody to come in, look at what you're doing, and give an expert eye and expert take on what you're doing, that's where the life training really shines. I also know that the sponsor of the show, Oasis Digital, does onsite training so you can check them out as well. I'll put a link to them in the show notes.
Right, we should do that. One other point just to pile on as well is often, you're trying to build your Angular application in a context of backend service and the variety of other technologies. Generally, these course materials are narrowly focused on how to build that Angular frontend when your applications will cover some wide range of technologies that have to integrate. Again, that's so custom that you really can benefit from finding somebody who knows the front to back technologies that you have to be using.
In fact, both of you, do you want to just briefly talk about what backends you use?
I really like Firebase quite a bit. It's really good for group of concepts as well as real-time stuff and there's some pretty good use cases around that. I also really like Node just because I'm a JavaScript developer. But I've worked with Rails, I've worked with Python, pretty much anything as long as it's a REST API, I'm happy to consume it, but as well, I'm fairly comfortable jumping in on the backend. But I generally will go with Node or Firebase, given my preference.
When I speak of me, me and my company, IdeaBlade, we've been pretty much in the enterprise base for a very long time and we deal with, I guess, many of [?] would think of is Legacy. Although it seems pretty live to me, such as the traditional .NET backend-- .NET Web API at a framework, [?] server, or Java backends, we have expertise in that as well. We also do Node Mongo. But I would say that most of our customers tend to be-- they have existing services at the backend even WCF type self-services, and they can track those overboard so it's like, "How do I build the frontend that's also playing with my existing commitments, including my existing frontend commitments like ASP.NET?" You have some sort of MVC app and you want to make some part of it richer, and you can't obviously completely change your gigantic MVC app all at once, but there are ways to integrate the single-page application for the Angular frontend into an existing MVC monster and gradually move over the pieces that you want without your user detecting it. These are the kinds of problems we're comfortable tackling and you're not going to learn about that stuff [laughter] very easily by going to one of the general courses. So again, when it comes to integration with existing systems, you're wise to look around and see who's out there that can help you.
Yup. And I'm pretty heavily focused around Ruby so it's going to be Ruby on Rails, Sinatra road, which are all Ruby frameworks for building web appications and APIs. I actually have the video series on Ruby on Rails called RailsClips. Right now, I am focusing on how you build APIs with Rails. If you want to go check that out to just get some ideas on how you can put your APIs together so that they work nicely with your Angular app, then go check that out because I'm probably going to do a little bit of integration video there, too, and just say, "Look, here's how you set things up for Angular, Ember, Backbone or whatever, or iOS."
Sweet. So this has been the self-promotion show it almost feel [?] so far. [laughter]
A little bit.
Honestly, [inaudible], it's good stuff.
And if the resource you need is, great! And if the resource you need is Lukas because he knows the answer to your question, then hire him. The same for Ward or Joe or John or whoever.
I know we've pointed towards Pluralsight and egghead and these different things, but I'm actually really impressed with just how much free content is out there from, for instance, let's say, John Papa. I'm looking at his style guide on GitHub and it's a phenomenal resource. I can say even for myself, if you go to my blog,, there's just a ton of resources that I've put out there. What's interesting is there's really a spectrum between, as you are in this content space of like, yes, you can hire us to come onsite, but as well as we are putting out a large value of just free content because we're passionate about the technologies and we love to learn. So it's really from "here's whole of this great free content" to "we can come onsite as well". I know John has put out a ton of content, we'll just put out a ton of great content, even Dan and Joe and different ones, so it really runs to [?] it from completely free to completely specialized.
One of my favorite resources for this kind of content is actually the ng-newsletter, They actually send an email out-- I don't remember if it's daily or weekly, I just look at it and browse throught it and go, "That's cool," and then I click on it. It's a terrific resource for curated list of blog posts, videos, etcetera, that you can actually then go and use to level up your Angular stuff.
That's Lukas' point is this stuff is free, the newsletter is free, and in this case, you get told where some of the newish stuff is that you should care about.
Related to that, actually, the folks that put that together also have ng-book. That's one of the first resources I went, too, when I wanted to learn Angular. They're actually putting out an ng-book for Angular 2 and you can get the chapters as they write them and update them by checking that out. Maybe we can talk about Angualr 2 resources here in a minute.
And I would say, ng-book is, by far, the largest single body of content around Angular. I have a copy in my office and it's like 800 pages or something. I killed a bear with it in the woods actually last week.
And that was with a blunt-end of it.
It really is gigantic so I don't keep the hard-- and he's updating it regularly. Who's the author again?
It's escaping sometime.
Ari Lerner.
Ari. That's right. Sorry, Ari. He's always updating it. Yeah, that's a wonderful resource. Now, I don't know how many of our listeners are coming to Angular absolutely called. But often, even if they aren't, they know somebody who would be coming to a call. So if you are coming to a completely called, what would be the steps you'd take?
The thing that I do when I'm learning a new framework or a new language or someting like that is, I like to go in and actually build an actual app. I'll actually go to They have a little tutorial there to build like a quick to do MVC. By the time you're done-- it's a pretty dumb little app, but it works. At the end, you have something that you can tweak and play with and twist around and things like that. That's one place that I would go. I would also be asking around for other folks who have repositories or tutorials that I can run through that will actually help me building an app. For people who are brand new programmers, I think that's a different story altogether, and you may want to go with the or Code School route. And there are first Angular courses free, just find one of those and just work through it to familiarize yourself with things before you get into the, "Okay, I'm an experienced or semi-experienced coder and I get the basics here so I'm just going to work through the rest of the stuff that they're handing me."
Wow. I had even thought about somebody who doesn't have any programming experience. I think that's-- I'm not sure [laughter].
Yeah, I'm not sure Angular is the right way to go yet.
But yeah, a little of that for I'd learn programming. I wish it's not a criticism of Angular, but it presupposes a certain degree of scale and experience in programming in general. And I want to re-emphasize that I think every thing I've seen is really presupposed that you are an experienced developer probably-- usually, it presupposes that you know JavaScript to some degree. I think you'd be lost at many of the resources we've discussed if you lack programming and experience, or lack even a minimal JavaScript experience.
Yeah. Assuming that they have a basic level of programming experience and they probably know JavaScript, then that's what I would do. I would just find a couple of good tutorials and just work through them.
One situation I run into a lot is actually working with designers where you have that handoff or they give you this layout that they built in HTML and then you start to hook it up in an effort to include them into the process. I gave a talk at ng-vegas called Turn Your Designers Into Deathstars with Angular, which then turned into a post which you can find on my blog,, It's Just Enough Angular for Designers. It is the absolute gentlest introduction to Angular that I could conceive, but I really believe, especially coming from maybe design side or you don't have the strong JavaScript skills, that you can actually learn just a handfull of concepts and start to be productive in Angular. We'll have the link in the show notes. I found that to be-- the feedback I've got-- that is really helpful and it's really easy for people to grasp through a series of simple exercises that I've created in Plunker actually.
That actually reminds me a part of the conversation we had with Aysegul a week or so ago where we're talking about D3. She mentioned that, basically, they just build directives that designers can drop in-- it's graph chart with its data-- so the programming chops reallly don't have to be strong; they just have to have enough understanding to understand that they're adding a data source and a chart type and then maybe a little bit of styling to it. It seems like that's pretty approachable for people who are familiar with HTML, but may not have a strong understanding of JavaScript.
Hey, Lukas, what was that school, the intense bootcamp type school, that Scott Moss went to?
There are number of those in different cities, aren't there?
Hack Reactor is where he's from. That is a really, really great-- all be it, super disruptive in terms of your life-- place to actually go and learn how to program.
Yeah. They're turning out a lot of people who are getting scooped up by companies because they seem to turn out people who are ready to contribute.
That is correct.
A level down from that is Angular Boot Camp. I mentioned Oasis Digital before for onsite training, this is their San Francisco, St. Louis, it looks like they've got a couple of others where they just do it. It's a 3-day course where you can pick it up. That's a little bit short of the 3-month boot camp.
I think Joe's daughter, Katya, is going through a boot camp. So, it's great for teen agers, too [laughter].
Keeps them off the street. You want to get them off drugs, throw them in a [chuckles]-- I'm not saying Katya is into drugs [laughter]-- but send them to boot camps.
You're going to get an angry call from Joe, "What do you say about my daughter?"
Joe is going to kill me, but it's not what I meant.
Yeah. But it sounded like she also got some stuff off of like Khan Academy and stuff when she was learning Angular, if I remember right from her talk. So there are a lot of resources out there.
Are there resources that you guys are using to pick up Angular 2?
I think, in my opinion-- anyone is free to disagree with me-- I think if you really, really want to prepare yourself for Angular 2, start learning ES6. I've been going through the Exploring ES6 book by Al Rauschmayer then trying to write Angular [inaudible] apps in that style. It's been a bit of paradigm shift, but that's just a really excellent book that I recommend. I think it's going to make things a lot easier going forward.
I think that's right, Lukas. I don't think as well-- we'll see in a minute-- I don't think it's quite ready to learn Angular 2 itself just yet-- we'll talk about that-- but there are skills that you need to cup in order to get there. Those that are available now, ES6 is one of them and TypeScript is another, I'd start learn in TypeScript (there's a pen for learning it) and I'd also start mastering Visual Studio code, which is one of my-- we can't mention other IDEs-- it's my go-to tool right now for writing a TypeScript.
We should put a link to our episode on that in the show notes. I'll also put links to JavaScript Jabber episodes where we talked about some of the stuffs like Babel or TypeScript or some of these other things as well.
Yeah. Learning the loaders. There's just sort of this surrounding technologies that you can learn that will help you when you're building an Angular 2 app even if you can't learn-- you're not really quite ready to learn Angular 2 yet. I would add some of the build tools that are going to be part of that-- Gulp, npm, Node, there's a client-side tool host-- these are skills that you can pick up now, they're not going to change on you. Whereas, trying to learn Angular 2 directly at the moment is-- I just don't think it's ready for that today.
Having said that, though-- I've been poking around, I periodically try and do stuff with it, I
hit varying success with that-- I think it's worth fiddling with and looking at the release notes on the different versions that they're putting out there. I think things are going to stabilize a lot more when they actually release the beta. I think the APIs will be more stable and we're going to see a whole lot less fluctuation in that. But in the meantime, it's definitely worth at least seeing what they're saying even if you're not actually trying to build applications in Angular 2.
If you really want to be bold and you want to start playing with it, I think one of the best resources actually is my friend Pascal Precht's blog posts on Angular 2. It's pretty accurate. He's doing his best to keep the things up and it's a wonderful series. We'll put that in the show notes.
Plus one.
Yup, definitely. The other thing is there are a lot of conference talks. I've been talking to a lot of speakers, and the speakers have been focusing, at least some of them, focusing on how do you do whatever with Angular 2. That's also, for recent conference talks, a good way to get a feel for and a feel around what is coming up because they actually go in and suffer through the changing APIs and stuff so that they have a demonstrable application that they can show people in their conference talk. And, they're usually showing their code and their APIs and stuff like that just to put that out there, too. Angular U, I know there were few talks about stuff in ng or in Angular 2, I know that a few talks from Angular Remote Conf are going to have that, I know some of the talks from AngularConnect are going to have those, just keep an eye out there and you're probably going to get some of the latest stuff on those APIs. But, I don't know that it's ready for prime time to go and build stuff in it yet.
You're other alternative, if you're really bold [laughter] just trying to read the code-- no, don't even try and read the source code.
Don't even try.
Isn't it written in TypeScript?
It is. It is written in TypeScript.
I hear that makes it better. I haven't actually tried so I don't know that for sure.
They haven't put the comments in it yet and it's a little bit of shoots and ladders and it's a challenge right now. I know it's going to get better, but it's not going to be ready for us at the time that you hear this broadcast for the first time. I'm looking forward to our being able to give a very different story on a podcast soon.
Yup. One other type of resource for learning about Angular and learning Angular that we haven't discussed is podcasts. If you're listening to this one, I'm also going to throw out there, you proabably want to go check out some of the episodes of JavaScript Jabber, you also want to go check out Angular Air, which is done by Kent C. Dodds and a few other folks that I think are pretty awesome and that we've had on the show. You can go check those out as well. They're bringing different people on and having discussions with them.
Are there other podcasts that you guys listen to?
I only listen to this podcast.
Your heart is pure.
Alright, well, are there any other resources that you guys want to jump into before we get to picks?
I'm going to throw out one resource, and this is the first that anybody is going to hear about this. I actually just released the site, it's What happen is I had written a bunch of Angular tests, I started writing tests, and I realized there's a lot of common patterns that once you understood them, it was a lot easier to write test. So I just put this down into a long form post. Jeff Whelpley helped me write some of this, and I wasn't for sure what I was going to do about it. Anyways, I open sourced it, it's on GitHub, I accept pull request. But if you go to, there's a lot of patterns that I found to be helpful. The goal is that just to be one step closer to actually writing your first Angular test if you're stuck.
Alright. One last thing, I also did a to-search in YouTube for Angular, and there's a whole bunch of stuff in there, too. There are demos in there, there are conference talks in there, just another place to go check stuff out.
Alright, let's go ahead and do some picks. Ward, do you have some picks for us?
I guess my pick would have to be a tool that maybe everybody else knows, but it's new to me, and I've been using it pretty steadily for the last couple of weeks and I like it. That is Slack, S-L-A-C-K, .com. It's an industrial strength chat mechanism product with searchable histories and little channels and things like that. It displaced my other means of organizing conversations around specific interest groups with specific private audiences, and I like it. I got to say I like it. I know about a few guys who are using it.
I am a huge fan of Slack. Love Slack.
Yup. Me, too.
How would you guys differentiate it from, say, Wow or on Skype at the moment or any other vehicles for these kinds of conversations? How would you distinguish it?
The integrations are phenomenal. If [?] you can edit it right into like GitHub Gephi just about anything, the APIs are pretty open so it's really, really useful, for instance, even if you're talking to somebody who want to hop into Google Hangouts, there's an easy integration. In my case, I just typed itsupport/hangout and it just pops it right up and we're in Hangouts.
Yup. The other thing is that it's like IRC in the sense that you can create unlimited channels. You can also create private channels. All of these things are in the free level. Some of the integrations, you have to have a paid account in order to use them. But at the free level, all of that works. You can invite people in. There are also applications out there that will use Slack's APIs to send people invitations. They click a button, they fill in their email address, and then it sends them an invitation to your Slack team. It doesn't do video, but like Lukas said, you can use Hangouts.
The other thing that I really love about it is that your history is completely searchable. In Skype, your history is searchable until you actually-- I have a few applications that clears stuff off of my Mac, and one of the things that it cleans up is the chat history for Skype. Once that gets cleaned up, it's gone. That's the only place it stored except on the other people who are also in your chat. So whenever it cleans that up, it's gone.
The other thing is that there are so many things you can do with it. It also has the IRC integrations so if you want to pull in bots, there are gazillion different implementations of IRC bots so you can pull those into Slack as well. Lots and lots and lots of capabilities you get, basically, for free.
Any other picks before we ask Lukas, Ward?
No. That's what I have for you.
Alright. Lukas, what are your picks?
My pick is a series that I just started on Audible. It is The Pillars of Reality Series by Jack Campbell. I just finished the first book, The Dragons of Dorcastle, reallly, really good book. It's this interesting like steampunk/magic storyline that's pretty interesting. And Jack Campbell is an excellent writer. I think everybody would enjoy it.
Alright. I'm going to pick a couple of things. I want to remind everybody, Angular Remote Conf coupon code Adventure for 25% off. Go use that coupon code, take advantage of it. That gets you, basically, a $200 ticket for $150. That also works on the group tickets so if you want to have your users group get together, you can find a company that'll sponsor it. That'll take it from $2000 to $1500 for ticket. That code is ADVENTURE.
I also want to pick a book. I've been reading this book off and on for one of my mastermind groups. It's called Essentialism by Greg McKeown, I don't know how to say it. Anyway, it is really good and has really helped me boil things down to the essential few things that I need to be focused on. I just can't say enough good things about it. And it's funny because I either listen to it or read it a couple of times, and every time, I'm like, "Oh, okay, that's another thing that I need to do," so I wind up doing that and cutting a whole bunch of some more stuff and finding other things that I don't need to worry about. It just makes things so much easier, better, nicer; it makes my life better. Anyway, I'm just really digging the book so I'm going to pick it even if I have picked it in the past.
I don't think we have any other announcements. Just a reminder, do go to and get in on that lottery if you think you might even by some remote chance be able to make it at Salt Lake City at the beginning of May next year. We look forward to seeing you there!
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059 AiA Learning Resources
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