
Current Authors

 Troy Hunt

Troy McAlpin

Tung Nguyen

Tung Nguyen is the Creator of Terraspace, Jets, Lono, Kubes, Ufo, Cody, AWS Container Hero and he is the Founder of BoltOps

Tyler Bird

Tyler Hawkins

Tyler Renelle

Tyler Renelle is a ML engineer focused on NLP, with experience in computer vision, time series, and RL. He works with Keras, Pytorch, hugginface/transformers, XGBoost, SciPy (sklearn, Pandas, numpy), hyperparameter optimization, etc. Devops with AWS & Docker. Full-stack with Python/FastAPI, Postgres, and React / React Native. Creator of Habitica, a startup begun on Kickstarter which now has ~2M users. Creator of Gnothi, a journal which uses AI to provide insights and resources. Built websites for clients such as Adidas, BigFix, and UCSF.

Udo Schöfer

Ufuk Kayserilioglu

Ufuk Kayserilioglu is the Production Engineering Manager at Shopify

Ulysse Buonomo

Ulysse Buonomo is an IT Engineer / Ruby enthusiastic / RGeo maintainer

Una Kravets

 Uri Shaked