Author - Stephen Cooper

Stephen Cooper

Stephen Cooper is a Senior Developer AG Grid building out the JavaScript grid.



 Async Angular Testing and Introducing AG Charts - AiA 352

If you are testing an Angular application, then at some point, you will be required to test asynchronous behavior. ...


Jul 28, 2022

ngTemplateOutlet featuring Stephen Cooper - AiA 318

Stephen Cooper joins the Adventure to discuss the ngTemplateOutlet, how it's used and where you'd add it to your...


Jul 22, 2021

AiA 264: ngTemplateOutlets with Stephen Cooper

In this episode of Adventures in Angular the panel interviews Stephen Cooper about his recent talk at Angular...


Nov 12, 2019

MAS 097:  Stephen Cooper

My Angular Story hosts Stephen Cooper,Developer at G-Research from London. Joe Eames guest hosts this week's show to...


Nov 05, 2019