Author - Francesco Cesarini

Francesco Cesarini

Francesco Cesarini Founded @ErlangSolutions, started @codemeshIO and @codeBeamIO, O'Reilly author, pointy haired boss, full time dad and part time uncle & godfather.



Building An Empire With Francesco Cesarini - EMx 204

Francesco Cesarini is the Founder & Technical Director at Erlang Solutions. It is a global corporation with a focus...


Jan 25, 2023

EMx 041: What Really Makes Erlang and Elixir Fault Tolerant and Scalable with Francesco Cesarini

In this episode of Elixir, Charles Wood, Josh Adams and Mark Ericksen chat with guest, Francesco Cesarini, Founder...


Mar 05, 2019

208 RR Erlang with Francesco Cesarini


May 20, 2015