Author - Eric Bolikowski

Eric Bolikowski

Eric Bolikowski is a Senior Full-Stack Javascript Developer, React.js Specialist and Trainer, Interim CTO, Digital Agency Founder



Elixir Mix

Join our weekly discussion of the popular functional language built on top of the Erlang virtual machine. Each week, we discuss the world of Elxiir, Phoenix, OTP, and then BEAM.

292 Episodes


Publishing Content with PardallMarkdown ft. Alfred Reinold Baudisch - EMx 152

Alfred Reinold Baudisch joins the mix to discuss his publishing engine written in Elixir called PardallMarkdown. ...


Nov 24, 2021

Pluralsight, Courses, and Elixir the Big Picture ft. AJ Foster - EMx 144

AJ Foster is a developer at Pluralsight. He talks about the course he made for Pluralsight about Elixir and then...


Sep 15, 2021

Gleam and Typing ft. Louis Pilfold - EMx 139

Louis Pilfold is the creator of the Gleam programming language. He explains what Gleam is and tells us where it came...


Aug 04, 2021

State Management in Elixir - EMx 137

The panel talks about how to manage state in Elixir applications. Sometimes you can get away with internal structures...


Jul 21, 2021

Mind your behaviors with Knigge - EMx 127

Sascha Wolf joins the mix to talk about how to test behaviors in your Phoenix apps by using tools like Mox and Knigge.


May 12, 2021

EMx 125: Testing Phoenix Controller Plugs with Adi Iyengar

Adi Iyengar walks Eric and Chuck through the process of testing your plugs in your Phoenix Controllers. He leads out...


Apr 14, 2021

EMx 124: Learning Resources for Elixir

As we ramp back up on recording Elixir Mix, our new panel dives into the resources available for learning and keeping...


Mar 23, 2021

Emx 123: Curry in a Megaparsec - Unconvention Elixir Explorations with Julien  Maisonneuve

Julien Maisonneuve—blogger extraordinaire—joins the Elixir Mix panel to discuss the ways he’s bent Elixir to his will...


Mar 09, 2021