Author - Amir Rajan

Amir Rajan

Amir Rajan is a Full time indie game dev. He is a Compiler/runtime hacker



Building Desktop and Mobile Video Games with DragonRuby with Amir Rajan - RUBY 572

Game Developer and CEO of DragonRuby, Amir Rajan returns to the show. He joins the rogues to talk about DragonRuby....


Dec 07, 2022

RR 333: RubyMotion and the Aesthetic of Ruby with Amir Rajan

In this episode, the Ruby Rouges speak with Amir Rajan. Amir is a game developer and is the most successful Ruby game...


Oct 25, 2017

MRS 014 My Ruby Story Amir Rajan

Today's episode is a My Ruby Story with Amir Rajan. He was on Episode 272 of Ruby Rogues. Amir talked about where he...


Aug 09, 2017